degradation “quail wood” protected in Caluire. Urgent !

degradation “quail wood” protected in Caluire. Urgent !
degradation “quail wood” protected in Caluire. Urgent !

Good morning,

I don’t know who to contact anymore to stop this:
For 8 months, I have been fighting to stop the damage to “quail wood”
The protected area and prohibited to the publicis regularly damaged by a group of teenagers, who dig bi-cross trails.
They’re like, at home…
they dig for whole days, uprooting, moving kilos and kilos of earth….
I see them riding bikes,
Apparently the Mayor’s team is overwhelmed
they don’t know what to do to catch the teenagers
police patrols are carried out, but they do not find them

Rocks should be placed to block access.
or re-prohibit public access (as before), to save what remains of the wood?
This “protected” wood is nothing more than a huge bi-cross track….
Masses of vegetation, moss, dead wood are uprooted and destroyed, although they were used by animals (some protected): midwife alytes, salamander, newt, 13 species of bat, kite, green woodpecker, blue tit -great crested woodcreeper, chaffinch, wren, warbler, squirrels, great spotted woodpeckers, jay, magpie, crow, wood pigeon, blackbird, hedgehog, woodcreeper, etc.
All these animals will leave, due to the degradation of their environment, and the cries of teenagers…

They destroyed:

  • Behind the pool, they made a large skid trail, which destroyed the large grove of “midwife alytes”
  • From this point, there is a track on the left that goes up the hill
  • And a track, on the right, which goes up to the top of the hill

It’s sad and shocking…
One of the rare urban woods, which took years to create this ecosystem, destroyed in a few months…
If you can do anything
thanks in advance



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