Alexandra Lamy comes to present “Touchées”, her film on domestic violence

Alexandra Lamy is on tour. The actress presents her first film as a director, “Touchees”. An adaptation of the graphic novel of the same name, by Quentin Zuttion. A screening will be offered in Toulouse, at the Pathé Wilson cinema, Wednesday June 26, 2024.

It was a film that was close to his heart. Alexandra Lamy has been on tour for several months to present Affected and raise awareness among different audiences. For this feature film, she put on the director’s hat and organized numerous meetings to collect testimonies. Indeed, the subject is not simple: violence against women.

A therapy like no other

The viewer follows Lucie’s journey, as she has just moved to Anduze with her son Léo, with the aim of moving away from her abusive ex-husband. As part of this new beginning, the character enrolls in therapy based on fencing, offered by a local association. She then meets other women victims of sexual violence and becomes friends with them.

Female solidarity

Saber exercises allow these survivors to express themselves. They also feel less alone. This solidarity will be pivotal for Lucie when her ex-husband resurfaces. Toulouse residents will be able to discover this story, with lighting by Alexandra Lamy, during a screening at the Pathé Wilson cinema. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 26, 2024 at 8:30 p.m.

>> ALSO READ: Watching films outdoors in Toulouse? It’s possible !



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