LEGISLATIVE: The Côte-d’Or federation of Republicans invests its candidates

LEGISLATIVE: The Côte-d’Or federation of Republicans invests its candidates
LEGISLATIVE: The Côte-d’Or federation of Republicans invests its candidates

“The Republicans, the real ones, have never changed and have remained on the side of France and the French,” insists François-Xavier Dugourd who refused to follow Éric Ciotti.

Press release from the Côte-d’Or federation of Republicans of June 16, 2024:

A few hours after the elections to the European Parliament, the decision of the President of the Republic to dissolve the National Assembly plunged France into a major political crisis. Since 2017, Mr. Macron and his successive governments have continued to weaken our country through “at the same time”: insecurity, laxity, loss of purchasing power of the French, decline in education, crisis of our health system…

Today we are at a crossroads. During the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, the French will have to choose deputies who will revive our country or, on the contrary, accentuate its decline.

Macronist candidates are disqualified by their record. The left-wing candidates have compromised themselves in Melenchonism which advocates ideas that are dangerous for our country. Finally, the inexperience, the troubled links with Russia and the hazardous economic program of the National Rally would constitute a big leap into the unknown that our country cannot afford at this very serious moment.

The Republicans, the real ones, have never changed and have remained on the side of France and the French. Without demagoguery or populism, our vision for France is that carried by a courageous, republican and independent right.

In Côte-d’Or, the departmental office and the National Investigative Commission, the only legitimate bodies of our party, have invested:
1st constituency: François-Xavier DUGOURD (Substitute: Catherine RENOSI)
2nd constituency: Laurent BOURGUIGNAT (Substitute: Corine SPELLAT)
3rd constituency: Charle BOURGADEL (Substitute: Samuel LONCHAMPT)
4th constituency: Hubert BRIGAND (Substitute: Eliane LEPINE)

Unfortunately, there will be no candidate for the 5th constituency despite our numerous requests and we deeply regret this. This absence of candidate cannot be explained by any agreement between the Fédération des Républicains de Côte-d’Or and another political party. The lack of support from the Mayor of Beaune dissuaded the candidates we had found. Also, we will not give any voting instructions, having firmly reiterated our attachment to the political line of our movement: “Neither extremes, Nor Macron”.

In the 3rd constituency, the Parisian candidate of the RN, parachuted by Eric CIOTTI, has in no way been nominated by the official authorities of the Republicans. There can be no confusion: Charle BOURGADEL is indeed the only legitimate representative of our political family in the 3rd constituency.

François-Xavier DUGOURD
President of the Federation of Republicans of the Côte-d’Or

Guillaume RUET
Departmental Secretary of the Federation of Republicans of Côte-d’Or



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