Rave party in Morbihan: death of a young man at the Forges de Lanoué

Rave party in Morbihan: death of a young man at the Forges de Lanoué
Rave party in Morbihan: death of a young man at the Forges de Lanoué


Ludivine Ageon

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 2:19 p.m.

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This is information revealed this Sunday June 16, 2024 by the editorial staff of Ouest-France: a young man was discovered lifeless in the town of Forges-de-Lanoué (Morbihan), on the edge of a rave party organized this weekend.

The Morbihan Prefecture had banned rave parties

Despite the ban by the prefect of Morbihan on organizing festive gatherings of a musical nature (rave party type) and ban on the circulation of any vehicle transporting sound equipment to a festive gathering of a musical nature in Morbihan du Thursday June 13, 2024, 6 p.m. to Monday June 17, 2024 at 8 a.m., a free party took place in the town.

Since Friday evening, several hundred partygoers are gathered on the site.

While the death of the young boy aged “around twenty years” was reported this morning, the Ploërmel gendarmerie was present on the scene. At the beginning of the afternoon, she did not communicate on the matter.

It’s here Prefecture of Morbihan who should, during the evening, provide further information on the circumstances of the death.

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