the three minors will be tried in September

Prosecuted for having deliberately set fire under the courtyard of the former Pergaud school in Paimboeuf, two of the three minors involved were referred on Saturday June 15, 2024. All will be tried in Saint-Nazaire in September.

The fire had started under the courtyard of the old school. | PHOTO PRESS ARCHIVES OCEAN

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  • The fire had started under the courtyard of the old school. | PHOTO PRESS ARCHIVES OCEAN

They ended up admitting the facts while in police custody.

Arrested in flagrante delicto, three minors aged 13 to 15 were arrested, after the fire under the courtyard of the old Pergaud school in Paimboeuf, Thursday June 13, 2024. Furniture and equipment belonging to the Résonnance association had burned . The association which organizes concerts, shows and exhibitions in the South Estuary community of communes, launched an appeal for donations after this hard blow.

Two young people under judicial supervision

Saturday June 15, 2024, two of the three suspects were referred to the Saint-Nazaire public prosecutor’s office, following their custody. The two young people, placed under judicial supervision, will be tried in September. Ditto for the third, summoned before the children’s judge the same month.



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