Demonstration against the RN in Paris: 250,000 participants according to the CGT, 75,000 for the prefecture


Thibault Nadal

Published on

June 15, 2024 at 5:17 p.m.
; updated June 15, 2024 at 5:57 p.m.

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Figures which had not been reached since the demonstrations against pension reform in Paris. This Saturday, June 15, 250,000 marched in the streets of the capital, according to the CGT, to oppose the arrival of the National Rally in power. According to the Paris Police Headquarters, 75,000 demonstrators took to the streets.

A call for unity

A demonstration which took place in the presence of the main leaders of the New Popular Front: Marine Tondelier and Yannick Jadot for EELV, Olivier Faure (PS), Mathilde Panot (LFI) and even the mayor of… Marseille Benoit Payan.

Before marching from Place de la République to Nation, they recalled the importance of the upcoming election and the possibility of seeing “the extreme right (…) win in France for the first time since the Vichy regime “. They also called for a stand, while the first dissensions arose among the Insoumis after the non-inauguration of Raquel Garrido, Alexis Corbière or Danielle Simonnet.

A major demonstration was held this Saturday June 15, 2024 to oppose the arrival of the RN to power. (©DG / news Paris)
Signs in favor of the New Popular Front and against the RN were brandished during the Parisian demonstration this Saturday June 15, 2024. (©DG / news Paris)

In the procession, multiple banners and/or signs were held up to support the New Popular Front and oppose the RN.

A bus shelter was destroyed during the demonstration against the RN in Paris.
A bus shelter was destroyed during the demonstration against the RN in Paris. (©Photo sent to actu Paris)

The first tensions arose in the procession and in the streets two hours after the departure of the procession. “It’s not yet on fire,” says a police source to Paris news. At 6 p.m., the prefecture reported that seven people had been arrested.

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