Marine Le Pen promises “a government of national unity” in the event of victory…

Marine Le Pen promises “a government of national unity” in the event of victory…
Marine Le Pen promises “a government of national unity” in the event of victory…

A local agreement between LR and Gabriel Attal in 92

A “republican arc” agreement was made between the Prime Minister and the president of the LR federation of Hauts-de-Seine and outgoing deputy, Philippe Juvin in the department, reports L’Opinion.

“We have decided, to block the extremes of the right and the left, to create a republican arc in our department of Hauts-de-Seine, which links Together for the Republic, the Republicans 92 and the president of the department,” specifies the document.

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“The hospital that doesn’t care about charity”

Eric Dupond-Moretti reacted to Marine Le Pen’s accusation against the head of state.

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Suffering from cancer, LR deputy Marc Le Fur will not be a candidate

“The situation is under control,” he reassures. But I fear that I will not be able to devote myself 200% as I did to this constituency and its inhabitants,” he explains in a video. The deputy for the 3rd constituency of Côtes-d’Armor served six terms in the National Assembly.

Gabriel Attal calls for “appeasement”

Campaigning in Loire-Atlantique, the Prime Minister candidate in Hauts-de-Seine called for “appeasement in the country” and denounced “those who exacerbate tensions between each other”.

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Julien Bayou will not be a candidate

Accused of “moral harassment” and “abuse of weakness” by his former partner, the environmentalist announced that he was withdrawing his candidacy in favor of the Popular Front candidate.

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“The President of the Republic violates the spirit and letter of the Constitution”

Marine le Pen believes that the president “violates the spirit and letter of the Constitution” by organizing a press conference during an electoral campaign, in allusion to his speech Tuesday evening. “He must be the arbiter and comes to say ‘I am only president of those who voted for me’,” she argued.

No difficulty for “foreigners who respect the law”

“For those foreigners who work in our country and who respect our laws, we have no difficulties,” assures the president of the RN. Asked about a possible extension of the list of professions prohibited to dual nationals, she did not respond, stressing that the priority is to respond to the main concerns of the French.

“Not the time to distribute the places”

“This is not the time to distribute places,” said Marine Le Pen, when asked about the role that her niece Marion Maréchal could play, in the event of a victory for the national gathering.

Vincent Bolloré “liberated the media”, believes Eric Ciotti

While The world recounts how the billionaire and Eric Ciotti would have “orchestrated” together the rallying to the RN, the (dismissed) leader of the Republicans responds that “it’s a fable, no one influences me”, without however denying having met the boss of CNews.

“I have respect for Vincent Bolloré, he is a huge business leader and a man of courage who liberated the media,” he adds. I sometimes talk with him. »

Marine Le Pen promises “a government of national unity” in the event of victory

“We will bring together all French people, men and women of good will, who are aware of the catastrophic situation in our country,” declared the far-right leader during a trip to Henin-Beaumont (Pas-de-France). Calais), adding that it will be up to Jordan Bardella, candidate nominated for Matignon, to “choose his team” but that today “the question is not to distribute the places”.

“There is only one bloc, it’s the national bloc,” defends Eric Ciotti

“We see that a grand coalition is being prepared between the Nupes, the majority and the ex-LR, it is an absolute scandal. Today, there is only one bloc, it is the national bloc, this alliance of right-wing Republicans, right-wing men and women, with the National Rally of Jordan Bardella,” argues Eric Ciotti about of its alliance with the RN.

“I decided to turn the table, to make a real alliance of all the rights,” he adds.

“It’s all turning into a bit of a farce,” judge Eric Ciotti

“If it was necessary to do it a second time it is because the first was illegal, the second is just as illegal,” judge Eric Ciotti on RMC about his second exclusion from LR decided in the political office. “I look at all this with a bit of haughtiness, it’s ridiculous when the destiny of France is at stake,” he adds.

Clémentine Autain “would agree to become Prime Minister”

Clémentine Autain would accept “without hesitation” to become head of government, “if the coalition decides”.

The outgoing LFI MP adds on Sud Radio that there is “the search for the best path, the best profile which can live up to this responsibility, but also bring to life the diversity of this collective”.

The call of Antibodies to Gabriel Attal

Anticor, “deprived of its approval allowing it to become a civil party in criminal cases relating to public probity”, calls on the Prime Minister in an open letter to restore its anti-corruption approval.

“At a time when citizen counter-powers could become more essential than ever in the face of the dangers of accelerated degradation of our already damaged republican values, Anticor, created in 2002 in response to the earthquake caused by the presidential election, solemnly asks you to reallocate to it, before July 7, the anti-corruption approval which it should never have lost,” writes the association.

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“There was no secret meeting or arrangement” with Macron, assures Gérard Larcher

“I formally deny the unacceptable and fanciful rumors circulating. There was no secret meeting or secret arrangement. I have not met Emmanuel Macron since March 7 outside of official ceremonies,” writes President LR of the Senate.

Michel-Edouard Leclerc’s concern

After the dissolution of the National Assembly, the media boss of the Leclerc group believes that Emmanuel Macron’s decision “avoided comments on his defeat by overturning the chessboard”. A dangerous game according to him and which risks undermining the “influence” and “credibility” of France.

Amy Bah says she is “ready” to be invested in the North

Supported by feminists to be the candidate of the new Popular Front in the 1st constituency of the North in place of Adrien Quatennens, Amy Bah says she is “ready and capable”.

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A new political office Les Républicains validates the exclusion of Eric Ciotti

A new political office of the Republicans, meeting this morning by video, validated the exclusion of party president Eric Ciotti. This new meeting of party leaders, also contested by the main party concerned, aimed to “legitimize” the exclusion of the president after his electoral alliance with the RN.

A petition against the inauguration of Adrien Quatennens

“Maintaining your candidacy is an insult to women, to the principles of equality for which you claim and to the people of the left who are currently mobilizing against the extreme right,” write in a petition of activists against the LFI deputy who announced that he would run in the legislative elections. In her place, feminists “demand the Popular Front nomination of Amy Bah”.

If you want to sign, it’s here.

“There will be a common LR-RN candidate in 70 constituencies,” assures Jordan Bardella

“In 70 constituencies in France, there will be a common Rassemblement national-Les Républicains candidate,” says Jordan Bardella on BFMTV-RMC. So far, only outgoing MP Christelle d’Intorni has said she supports Éric Ciotti in his approach to forming an alliance with the National Rally.

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