Lot college Olympics: gold for the Latronquière college students

Lot college Olympics: gold for the Latronquière college students
Lot college Olympics: gold for the Latronquière college students


Editorial Cahors

Published on

June 24, 2024 at 4:57 p.m.

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THE College Olympics of Batchorganized by the Department, took place from June 17 to 19, 2024 in Cahors. The students of La Châtaigneraie college in Latronquière won the gold medal.

400 middle school students from Lot gathered in Cahors

The Lot college Olympic Games were officially declared open on Monday June 17 by Serge Rigal, president of the Lot Departmental Council. For 3 days, more than 400 students from different colleges in the Lot competed in sport. This open competition for juniors and juniors brought together the 24 colleges of the department, each college presenting 2 teams of 9 students (eight competitors and one young official).

The college students of Latronquière, led by Olivier Flous, their PE teacher, participated in several events: basketball, football, athletics, badminton and laser run. Even beyond pure performances, the interest of such competitions organized within the school framework is to develop human qualities. As Mr. Flous points out, there can be no lasting sporting success without group cohesion, without commitment to effort and without surpassing oneself. It is certainly these qualities that allowed the college students of Latronquière to conquer the Grail.

Because yes, the youngest students from La Châtaigneraie college in Latronquière finished 1sters in the general classification and therefore came back with “the Gold Medal”. And this is not the result of chance, but the result of a real commitment of these young people to the practice of sport.

La Châtaigneraie, a very sporting college

When we know that at Latronquière college, there are 72 members of the sports association out of 97 students, or 75% of the workforce, we better understand the reasons for their magnificent result. Their PE teacher was thus able to draw from a large pool to select the participants for these departmental Olympics, and the result is there. Is it worth remembering that these young people from Latronquière had to compete against 23 other colleges, many of which are much larger, their result is all the more remarkable!

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But it is also a bit of a success for the municipality of Latronquière; in fact, since the arrival of Mr. Flous at the last school year and the Latronquière Town Hall, a perfect cohesion has been created which allows us to carry out educational and sporting projects which are now bearing fruit.


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