Legislative elections 2024: a left-wing Courbon-Tokhi ticket to take back constituency 1 in Renaissance

Legislative elections 2024: a left-wing Courbon-Tokhi ticket to take back constituency 1 in Renaissance
Legislative elections 2024: a left-wing Courbon-Tokhi ticket to take back constituency 1 in Renaissance

The left succeeded in what it had not been able to do in 2022: allying itself in the first round for the legislative elections in the first constituency of the Loire. In 2022, NUPES allocated this constituency to environmentalists. It was Laetitia Copin who was invested by the union of the left. But in this stronghold of the PS, where Régis Juanico has been a deputy since 2007, this decision was not accepted. The socialist Pierrick Courbon then presented himself as a dissident candidate. The breakup of the left in the first round and the lack of local notoriety of Laetitia Copin had undoubtedly favored the election of Quentin Bataillon, the Renaissance candidate.

This time, the socialists and the ecologists found an agreement in the first round. With a ticket made up of two Saint-Etienne municipal councilors: Pierrick Courbon for the PS as incumbent and Julie Tokhi for EELV as substitute.

The distribution of constituencies in the Loire

All the other constituencies were allocated in the Loire to La France Insoumise, except the 3rd in the Gier valley. It is the Vincent Bony (PCF) and Ramona Gonzales Grail (PS) ticket which was renewed and which will try to take revenge on the outgoing Emmanuel Mandon, under which label he will run we do not yet know.



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