Essonne: a call for witnesses launched after a fatal road accident on the A6

Essonne: a call for witnesses launched after a fatal road accident on the A6
Essonne: a call for witnesses launched after a fatal road accident on the A6

What exactly happened this Sunday morning on the A6 motorway? Between 6 a.m. and 6:30 a.m., a motorist aged around thirty died in a car accident near Évry-Courcouronnes in the direction of Paris province. It appears to be the only vehicle involved. Responsible for clarifying the circumstances of this accident, the police have launched a call for witnesses. Anyone who witnessed the accident or has information concerning it is asked to contact the Chilly-Mazarin judicial unit at

The vehicle will be appraised

An autopsy will be carried out and toxicological analyzes have been requested to determine whether the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Furthermore, in order to eliminate a technical fault, the vehicle will also be assessed. According to a police Source, given the damage observed on the car, the victim was driving at high speed when he hit the guardrail in the central reservation of the highway.

Emergency services were unable to do anything when they arrived at the scene of the tragedy. The death of the driver, alone on board the vehicle, had already been noted by a doctor from the Corbeil-Essonnes mobile hospital unit. During the emergency response, traffic was interrupted on both lanes of the highway until around 7:30 a.m. Access to the N 104 (Francilienne) was cut off until around noon.



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