The terrible story of the world’s youngest serial killer

Also murky as it may seem, stories about killersand in particular serial killers, fascinate. Series like Dahmer, on Netflix, are proof of this. But today’s is particularly disturbingbecause it concerns the youngest serial killer in history : a boy who scored a triple murder.

serial killer at only 8 years old

There is no shortage of news stories, and some even make the headlines. In certain cases, particularly when the case has never been resolved, these news items have a lasting impact on us. It is not for nothing that reports are devoted, even today, to Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, or even to little Grégory. But do you know the story of the world’s youngest serial killer? Aged only 8, he killed three people in cold blood, including two infants.

It was in India, between 2006 and 2007, that these terrible murders occurred, against a backdrop of complicated family history. If young Amarjeet Sada was known for having a strong temper, his parents would never have imagined what he was really capable of. But when they discovered him, they preferred to protect him rather than report him to the police. As a result, it was only after his third murder in a few months that the young boy was finally arrested. Due to his age, he was not even imprisoned, but rather placed in a children’s home? But let’s go into more detail about his crimes.


cold blooded murders

When he was barely 8 years old, Amarjeet Sada learned that his parents were going to welcome his 6-year-old cousin into their home. Her aunt actually asked the couple for this favor, because she had to be away for a month for work. Only, Sada never appreciated the presence of her young cousin and allegedly began to harm her, before ending up murdering her. Despite this horrible act, Sada’s parents protected him, calling it an “accident.”

But the situation continued to escalate after Amarjeet Sada’s mother became pregnant: when the boy was supposed to take care of his little sister in the absence of his parents, he decided to kill her “just like that”, according to several sources. She was only 8 months old? While the story may have been fictionalized in a macabre manner, several articles on this affair report that Sada showed no form of regret, even presenting a sadistic smile. A testimony corroborated by a psychologist who spoke with him during his arrest: “[c’est un] sadist who derives pleasure from inflicting injury”.


Unlikely as it may seem, the parents of the world’s youngest serial killer continued to protect him, but his third and final murder was the one that led to his arrest by Indian authorities. And this is the most horrible of all, Sada having taken a step in cruelty: he strangled to death an infant, a neighbor’s daughter, aged 6 months. He then hit her with a brick, before taking the body away and burying it. Obviously, it seems completely incomprehensible that someone would be capable of committing such barbaric acts, especially at only 8 years old.

Today, Amarjeet Sada is around 26 years old, but no trace of him can be found anywhere. We therefore do not know if he is now in prison, or on the loose somewhere.



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