CRE publishes its Natural Gas Sales Benchmark Price (PRVG) for the month of July 2024

CRE publishes its Natural Gas Sales Benchmark Price (PRVG) for the month of July 2024
CRE publishes its Natural Gas Sales Benchmark Price (PRVG) for the month of July 2024

Since July 1, 2023, the CRE has published a Natural Gas Sales Benchmark Price (PRVG) to support residential consumers in their choice of gas supply offers. This PRVG is published for information purposes only and is not an offer of supply in itself.

In July 2024, the average PRVG level will be €129.2/MWh including tax (average for all types of consumers). Even if this price is up by €13.5/MWh including tax compared to the month of June (+11.7%), it remains €4.7/MWh including tax lower than the average PRVG of January 1, 2024 (-3 .5%).

This development is mainly the result of three effects:

  • The application from July 1, 2024 of the new tariff for natural gas distribution networks (ATRD 7) which corresponds to 55% of the increase.
  • The increase, observed in recent weeks, in natural gas prices on wholesale markets which accounts for 37% of the evolution.
  • The slight increase in the CEE component (Energy Savings Certificates) between July 2023 and July 2024, which explains 6% of the increase observed.

An offer supplier under the conditions of the July benchmark price corresponds to a annual invoice including tax of 1,184 euros for an average consumer, while the same offer under the conditions of January 2024 corresponded to an annual invoice including tax of 1,227 euros.

This PRVG is published for information purposes only, as well suppliers are free to set the price conditions of their offers, in particular the balance between the variable part in €/MWh and the subscription part, as well as their margin level.

The CRE considered it preferable, in order to reward consumers’ efforts at sobriety while covering the costs borne by suppliers, to limit the increase in the subscription in its benchmark price. Some suppliers have applied this logic and CRE welcomes it. Others make different choices to build their offers. The CRE invites consumers, depending on their needs, to compare the different offers available using the public comparator

The reference price grid referred to above reflects the costs borne by the suppliers of customers connected to the distribution network operated by GRDF and covers around 95% of residential customers.

Other customers are connected to the gas distribution networks of local distribution companies (ELD). The costs borne by suppliers in these ELD zones may be different from those applying to the zone covered by GRDF, in particular due to differences in infrastructure costs and commercial costs.
For each of the ELD zones, the CRE publishes benchmark sales prices for natural gas every month. As the new price lists for the natural gas distribution networks within the ELD perimeter are not yet known, the benchmark prices associated with the ELD zones will be the subject of a later publication.



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