This municipality is the first in Sarthe to be supplied 100% with green gas all year round.

This municipality is the first in Sarthe to be supplied 100% with green gas all year round.
This municipality is the first in Sarthe to be supplied 100% with green gas all year round.

The municipality of Cérans-Foulletourte has anticipated the issue of decarbonization for several years by supporting the establishment of agricultural methanization sites, including Energie 8, which will be commissioned in 2023, thus making it possible to recover waste (manure, slurry, etc.) from the area into a renewable gas.

The municipality supplied 100% all year round: the second in the region

Today, it is going further by displaying the “green gas” commitment on its town entrance signs. And this is thanks to the two methanization sites (Energie 8 and the Gaec – Groupement agricole d’exploitation en commun – des Petits Loups) located in Cérans-Foulletourte.

The municipality is in fact supplied with 100% green gas throughout the year. It is the first in the department and the second in the Pays de la Loire region.

Three other municipalities

These methanization sites can produce more than three times the city’s consumption, or 18 GWh per year for an annual consumption of 4 GWh.

+ Methanization: towards 100% green gas consumption by 2050 in Sarthe

The surplus biomethane produced also supplies the municipalities of Parigné-le-Pôlin, Guécélard, Fillé-sur-Sarthe and up to the consumption network of Le Mans Métropole during periods of excess production, mainly in summer.

Methanization contributes to a virtuous local loop: waste from the territory can produce renewable energy consumed in the same territory where it is produced. GRDF will always be available to support the territories that wish to do so in their energy transition, whether in the production of green gas or in awareness-raising actions and in controlling energy demand,” says Quentin de Bremond d’Ars, GRDF territorial director.

“We only consume rainwater”

The sites employ a full-time technician, we only consume rainwater and photovoltaic panels should soon be commissioned, which will reduce our electricity bill by 15%,”adds Philippe Lorière, one of the eight partners.



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