Mother of Freed Hostage Noa Argamani Dies

Mother of Freed Hostage Noa Argamani Dies
Mother of Freed Hostage Noa Argamani Dies

Mother of Freed Hostage Noa Argamani Dies of Brain Cancer

Liora Argamani’s last wish – to see her daughter one last time – was granted just three weeks before her death.

Liora Argamani, whose daughter Noa was held captive in Gaza for 246 days after the October 7 Hamas attacks, died Tuesday after a long battle with brain cancer. Argamani’s final wish – to see her daughter one last time – was granted just three weeks before her death, after Israeli forces rescued Noa in a daring raid last month to free her and three other Israeli hostages, marking a poignant end to a story that captivated Israel and the world.

The 61-year-old nurse, who had crossed continents in pursuit of a dream, found her final solace in the arms of her daughter, Noa, a young woman whose long ordeal as a captive in Gaza had become emblematic of a nation’s anguish.

“Liora spent her last days with her daughter, Noa, who had returned from captivity, and her close family,” the hospital said in a statement that appeared to express both relief and sadness. The family’s request for privacy underscores the deeply personal nature of their loss, even as it played out on an international stage.

The Argamanis’ story is one of stark contrasts: of joy and despair, of reunions and separations. Liora, born in the bustling city of Wuhan, China, had come to Israel in 1994 for what was supposed to be a brief business trip. Instead, she found love in the desert city of Beersheba, marrying Yaakov and giving birth to their only child, Noah.

It was Noa who became the focus of a national vigil after her abduction at the Nova music festival that fateful day in October. As the weeks and months passed, Liora’s private battle with cancer became inextricably linked to the public campaign for her daughter’s release.

In a video that will be seen by millions, Liora makes a heartbreaking appeal. “I now have cancer, brain cancer. I don’t know how much time I have left,” she said, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and desperation. “I want to be able to see my Noa at home.”

Her words, addressed to world leaders and humanitarian organizations, were imbued with the weight of a mother’s love, a force that seemed to transcend the boundaries of politics and conflict. “Noa, I want to tell you that if I don’t see you, know that you’re the one I prefer,” Liora said, her voice breaking with emotion. “The whole world loves you.”

The long-awaited reunion – a wordless embrace in a hospital room – became a powerful symbol of closure, not just for the Argamani family, but for a nation scarred by conflict.

Noa’s cousin Amnon Regev recounted the bittersweet moment in an interview. “Noa can’t communicate with Liora, but she said she wanted one last hug, and I think she got it,” did he declare. “It is his victory and ours.”

As news of Liora’s death spread, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum released a statement that read: “We bow our heads in deep sorrow.”

Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov and Almog Meir Jan were rescued on June 8 from two different locations in the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip. The operation was renamed in honor of Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, a member of the Israeli Border Police’s National Counter-Terrorism Unit “Yamam”, who was fatally wounded during the mission.

On Saturday evening, in his first public speech since his release from Hamas captivity, Argamani thanked Israeli security forces and called for the release of the remaining 120 hostages held by the terror group.

“As the only child of my parents and the child of a mother with a terminal illness, my greatest worry in captivity was for my parents. It is a great privilege to be here after 246 days of Hamas captivity,” she said in a video message. “A big thank you to my family and friends, and to everyone who made our voices heard when we couldn’t speak.”

She also thanked those who supported her loved ones and “have contributed, prayed and given of themselves during this long period.”

“Although I am home now, we cannot forget the hostages who are still held captive by Hamas and we must do everything possible to bring them home,” she added. I wish each of us to live more peaceful days, calmer days, surrounded by family, friends and good people.”

More than 250 people were abducted and taken to Gaza during Hamas’ invasion of southern Israel on October 7. Thousands more were killed and injured by the terrorists, who committed numerous atrocities during the massacre.
One hundred and twenty hostages remain in the Gaza Strip, 116 of whom were abducted on October 7 (the other four were captured earlier). This figure includes living and deceased men, women and children.

Originally published by Israel Hayom. JNS contributed to this report. with jns
Liora Argamani, mother of hostage Noa Argamani, attends a meeting at the Knesset to lobby for the release of her daughter and other captives held by Hamas in Gaza, January 9, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

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