what will happen now? Already dates for the legislative elections

what will happen now? Already dates for the legislative elections
what will happen now? Already dates for the legislative elections

Rumors of a dissolution were brewing. Emmanuel Macron, who spoke this Sunday, decided to dissolve the Assembly after the heavy defeat of the presidential majority in the European elections…

00:10 – Unemployment reform stopped by dissolution?

END OF LIVE- This is one of the big social issues of the moment. Gabriel Attal launched a new unemployment insurance reform. Will it be suspended with the dissolution of the National Assembly? No ! The text will be completed and will be able to come into force within the planned deadlines. Indeed, it was not expected that the tightening of compensation rules would require a vote at the Bourbon Palace. It is via a decree that the changes will be made. This is a regulatory act taken by the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister, without going through the legislative power. This act is one of the powers reserved to the Executive by the Constitution. The dissolution of the National Assembly will therefore not lead to the postponement of the reform.

09/06/24 – 22:51 – Will Gabriel Attal resign from his position as Prime Minister?

Appointed five months ago to the day, Gabriel Attal is, like Emmanuel Macron and the entire majority, in turmoil. As head of government, he was responsible for leading the campaign for the European elections. The result was not there and the President of the Republic decided to dissolve the National Assembly. An admission of failure for young Attal? Certainly. However, he should not leave Matignon. Not yet, in any case. In this situation, nothing obliges him to submit his resignation to the President of the Republic, although he can absolutely decide to leave. On the other hand, at the end of the legislative elections (June 30 – July 7), he will, in any case, resign: either simply for the procedure because the Macronists will once again be in the majority in the Assembly and he can then be reappointed to his post (even if nothing will oblige the President to do so), either by obligation because the majority will not be that of the presidential camp and a Prime Minister from the majority group will have to be appointed, launching a period of cohabitation.

06/09/24 – 10:33 p.m. – A poll gives the RN close to the majority in the Assembly

This is a poll carried out several months ago, well before the campaign for the European elections and well before, obviously, Emmanuel Macron’s resounding announcement to dissolve the National Assembly. At the end of 2023, a survey was commissioned by Les Républicains from the Ipsos institute and the result, revealed by The Obswas clear: the National Rally would be very close to obtaining the majority at the Bourbon Palace.

The survey carried out among 4,000 people reveals that the RN could win between 243 and 305 seats, knowing that the majority is at 289 seats and that the party currently has 89 deputies. Emmanuel Macron’s formation would only have 117 to 165 elected officials, compared to 246 currently. For its part, Nupes would plummet and would only have 55 to 79 deputies, compared to 131 today. The right would stagnate between 44 and 60. Will the trend be confirmed? The next surveys will give the trend, while the polls in the last elections were rarely wrong.

09/06/24 – 22:08 – What timetable until the next legislative elections?

Everything will go very quickly in the coming days. Tomorrow, Monday, Emmanuel Macron will publish the decree establishing the dissolution of the National Assembly. This is where the Head of State will detail the upcoming schedule. One thing is certain: it will be very tight. Taking into account the rules in force, Emmanuel Macron should open the submission of applications very quickly and only allow them until Sunday June 16 at most. Indeed, the law stipulates that the official campaign with the candidates begins on the second Monday preceding the election, i.e. next Monday June 17. There should therefore then be two weeks of campaigning, until the first round, on Sunday June 30.

06/09/24 – 9:53 p.m. – Will the deputies elected in 2022 be able to stand again?

Yes ! All deputies currently elected to the National Assembly can easily stand for the next legislative elections (June 30 – July 7). At least on paper. This will then depend on the nominations given by the parties. It remains to be seen whether or not the 577 elected officials will all be reinvested by their political family.

06/09/24 – 9:50 p.m. – The National Assembly shut down for a month

After the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, the National Assembly therefore comes to a standstill. Until the end of the 2nd round of the next legislative elections, on July 7, it will be completely at a standstill. Only the general administration of the parliamentary chamber will be managed by the current president Yaël Braun-Pivet and the quaestors. The Assembly will resume its functioning once the 2nd round has passed.

06/09/24 – 9:43 p.m. – All texts suspended

This is the first direct consequence of the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly: all texts currently discussed in the National Assembly are stopped. No discussion will continue and this concerns in particular the text on the end of life.

06/09/24 – 9:35 p.m. – The left calls to come together

Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the Communist Party, calls on left-wing executives to meet this evening and work on “a pact for France”, while Marie Toussaint (Les Ecologistes) declared that the various left-wing parties will “most certainly meet in the next few hours.”

06/09/24 – 9:32 p.m. – Meeting at the Elysée

BFM TV announces that Emmanuel Macron is bringing together his ministers at the Élysée this evening at 10 p.m.

06/09/24 – 9:31 p.m. – The PS “will never come to terms with the arrival of the far right”

Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the list of the Socialist Party and Place publique, said he “takes note” of the dissolution announced by Emmanuel Macron. “We will lead the fight,” he said, attacking the head of state and his majority who “have shown themselves incapable” according to him. “We will lead this fight because we will never accept the arrival of the extreme right,” he concluded.

06/09/24 – 9:29 p.m. – “We’re going to fight” says Dupont-Moretti

On France 2the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupont-Moretti, was combative: “We are going to appeal to the people and we are going to fight. We are going to denounce what the extreme right is doing”

06/09/24 – 9:28 p.m. – “the most important vote of the Fifth Republic” according to Darmanin

For Gérald Darmanin, the upcoming legislative elections on June 30 and July 7 will be “the most important vote of the Fifth Republic”. “It’s about listening to the people. We don’t vote the same for a distant election,” added the Minister of the Interior, who said that the majority “understood the message of the French.”

06/09/24 – 9:23 p.m. – 6th dissolution in the history of the Fifth Republic

The decision taken by Emmanuel Macron is historic: it is only the 6th time in the history of the Fifth Republic that a head of state has decided to dissolve the National Assembly. Charles de Gaulle had done so twice in 1962 and 1968, just like François Mitterrand in 1981 and 1988. However, these four dissolutions took place in a different context since, at the time, the President and the deputies did not were not elected in the same year. Thus, a President could come to power with a National Assembly majority from the opposite political side. This was the case for De Gaulle and Mitterrand in those years. Thus, to be able to govern and not have (immediately) cohabitation, the dissolution was pronounced to convene early legislative elections and therefore, obtain a majority at the Bourbon palace, in the wake of the presidential election. For his part, in 1997, Jacques Chirac had dissolved with the hope of obtaining a larger majority: it was ultimately the left which had become the majority.

06/09/24 – 9:18 p.m. – “When the people vote, the people win” rejoices Marine Le Pen

In a speech after Emmanuel Macron’s speech, Marine Le Pen welcomed the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly: “When the people vote, the people win. I can only welcome this decision which part of the logic of the institutions of the Fifth Republic. We are ready to exercise power if the French trust us. We are ready to turn the country around,” she said from the podium.

06/09/24 – 9:15 p.m. – “A risk-taking” for Bayrou

After the announcement of the dissolution, François Bayrou, faithful ally of Emmanuel Macron, welcomed on BFM TV “a risk-taking” by the president to “get the country out of the doldrums”.

06/09/24 – 9:13 p.m. – The RN is “ready”

The National Rally is “ready”, after Emmanuel Macron’s announcement of the dissolution of the Assembly, assures Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the RN.

06/09/24 – 9:12 p.m. – A first since 1997!

Emmanuel Macron has just pronounced the first dissolution of the National Assembly since 1997. At the time, Jacques Chirac had called new legislative elections, to everyone’s surprise. The then President of the Republic thought of strengthening his power. Although it was bad for him, the left won the vote.

06/09/24 – 9:07 p.m. – Election dates announced

Emmanuel Macron has already announced the dates of the next legislative elections: Sunday June 30, 2024 for the 1st round, Sunday July 7, 2024 for the 2nd round.

06/09/24 – 9:07 p.m. – “A serious and heavy decision”

Emmanuel Macron declared that it was “a serious, heavy decision. It is above all an act of trust. I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. . Confidence between our democracy, that the word must be given to the sovereign people, nothing is more republican.”

06/09/24 – 9:05 p.m. – Emmanuel Macron announces to dissolve the National Assembly

“I therefore dissolve the National Assembly.” It is in these terms that Emmanuel Macron addressed the French. The head of state therefore calls new legislative elections.



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