According to science, this trait is a sign that you have a higher than average IQ

According to science, this trait is a sign that you have a higher than average IQ
According to science, this trait is a sign that you have a higher than average IQ

In everyday life, do you prefer to be alone than in bad company? Are you nervous at the idea of ​​someone inviting you to do a group activity and do you find excuses every time to dodge these invitations? Well, know that your IQ may be higher than average. In any case, this is what a study published in the British Journal of Psychology which demonstrated that being solitary would in fact be a marker of intelligence.

To arrive at this observation, Satoshi Kanazawa And Norman Lithe two Singaporean psychologists behind this report, conducted a survey of 15,000 Americans aged 18 to 28.

Why are the smartest people lonely?

Most of those surveyed said they preferred “residential areas with an average population density rather than large metropolises” claiming that these places “promote meetings and a feeling of belonging to a community”, while people with a higher IQ tended to show that they preferred to be surrounded by few people, or even alone. Some of these people have even revealed that they suffer from social contact and report generally negative emotional effects when it comes to spending time with other people, close or not.

In fact, as reported by Internet Journal, according to the various analyzes that resulted from this study, the most intelligent people especially see solitude as a way to concentrate and focus more easily on productive things. Their satisfaction then does not depend on their social interactions, but rather on their accomplishments, when they succeed in carrying out a major project for example.

Is it better to be alone than in bad company?

Also, according to the authors of the report, people with a higher IQ feel less need to belong to a community and therefore have an easier time living alone, without feeling alone. Social connection is at least not a condition for their happiness since they manage to compensate for it with other things.

“Those blessed with superior intelligence and the ability to exploit it are less likely to spend a lot of time socializing because they are preoccupied with long-term goals”explain Carol Graham, researcher at the Brookings Institution. Ultimately, everyone has their own pleasures and their own concept of happiness.

Solitude, when chosen, offers many benefits. Among other things, it helps reduce stress, stimulate creativity and improve concentration, by providing a mental space free of distractions. By cultivating autonomy and emotional independence, solitude facilitates deep introspection that can help you grow on a personal level. It also allows you to recharge emotionally, which can build resilience in the face of challenges. In addition, taking time for yourself can improve the quality of social relationships and provide the opportunity to devote yourself to your passions and hobbies, thus contributing to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

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