Two days before the legislative elections, unions and the agricultural world are mobilizing in favor of the New Popular Front, in Draguignan

Two days before the legislative elections, unions and the agricultural world are mobilizing in favor of the New Popular Front, in Draguignan
Two days before the legislative elections, unions and the agricultural world are mobilizing in favor of the New Popular Front, in Draguignan

At the initiative of the CGT, around a hundred people responded to the call from trade union organizations this Friday evening in Draguignan.

The rally, which took place two days before the early legislative elections, was attended by union representatives and by Sarah Couronnefy, candidate for the Socialist Party-NFP, in the 8th constituency of Var.

Objective of such a demonstration for Gilles Piazzoli, secretary of the local union of the CGT Draguignan and for the FSU, “unambiguously call for a vote for the New Popular Front program.”

“Liberal policies push peasants into poverty”

Also present, Nina Lejeune, co-spokeswoman of the Confédération paysanne shares the ideas of the inter-union:

“If we decided to support the NFP, it is because we have proposals for the agricultural world, assures the Var breeder. Politicians from the right, the centre and especially the far right cannot defend the rights of farmers and rural areas.

She denounces “liberal policies that increasingly push farmers into poverty.”

Two days before the election, the unions displayed their position. Photo C.Cz .

The Confédération paysanne therefore opposes the vote in favor of the national gathering, which would have the consequences, according to it, “to lead the collective into a dead end” .

“Our values ​​are humanist, anti-racist, for the sharing of resources, respect for the living and for workers of all origins”, continues Nina Lejeune. In 40 years, agriculture has grown from one million farmers to 380,000 today. It is the peasants who still populate the rural areas. The countryside is becoming more and more deserted. With the current policy, and that of the National Rally, it would be the disappearance of public services.

The agricultural project which works for “lively and welcoming countryside”encompasses many proposals.

These include the protection of peasant income through guaranteed remunerative prices, regulation of agricultural markets, protection against unfair low-cost imports and the exit from free trade, among others.

Improvements in the social rights of farmers, maintaining local public services or even defending women’s rights, as well as the fight against gender inequalities are also at the heart of their concerns.

A society based on the “solidarity, openness to others and sharing”.



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