Sudden death of journalist Christophe Deloire at 53: many personalities react

Sudden death of journalist Christophe Deloire at 53: many personalities react
Sudden death of journalist Christophe Deloire at 53: many personalities react

Christophe Deloire suddenly disappeared. The fervent defender of journalism, secretary general of Reporters Without Borders, died of devastating cancer this Saturday, June 8, 2024, at only 53 years old, as announced by the Agence Française de Presse. His death left many personalities in mourning and shock, who paid tribute to him on social networks.

Christophe Deloire, born May 22, 1967, is a French journalist and a recognized personality in the field of press freedom. This Saturday, June 8, the French Press Agency announced the sudden disappearance of the journalist, aged only 53, struck down by a brain tumor diagnosed only a few weeks earlier.

A graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po) and the Journalist Training Center (CFJ), he has devoted his career to the defense of freedom of expression and journalistic investigation. In 2012, Christophe Deloire was appointed secretary general of Reporters Without Borders (RSF), an international non-governmental organization that works for press freedom and the protection of journalists. Under his leadership, RSF has intensified its efforts to defend journalists around the world, fight censorship and promote freedom of expression.

Personalities in mourning

Faced with the announcement of his death, several personalities mourned his disappearance, saluting the great man and journalist that he was. Journalist Daphné Roulier, on Instagram, paid tribute to him: “A brave defender of press freedom. Sadness. Just like the host of Drag Race France, Daphné Bürki, who remembered their meeting: “Since 2015, when you asked me to host a concert for freedom at Place de la République for World Press Freedom Day, a friendship and loyalty (have been established). Your unfailing commitment (and) your humanity (had struck me). Since then, I always gave you my OK whenever you needed for RSF. I’m upset by your departure, it’s not fair. All my friendship to your family, to your team. A great man“. Just like the general director of BFM TV, Marc-Olivier Fogiel, saddened by the death of Christophe Deloire: “Christophe accompanied us during the disappearance of Frédéric as he has always been alongside editorial staff who are suffering. Thank you for the values ​​you defended.”

Political figures also reacted to the image of Rachida Dati, who had known him for many years: “Christophe Deloire left us too quickly. We had known each other for so long! (…) My sincere condolences to his family and all those who loved him.”

Even though he had several disagreements with the journalist, Eric Naulleau put them aside to pay tribute to him : “Past disagreements, however harshly expressed, take second place to the death of a man. All my condolences to the family and loved ones of Christophe Deloire.” Before taking over the management of RSF, from 2008 to 2012 he directed the Journalists Training Center (CFJ) in Paris.



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