These weird sports that young French people love more than football

These weird sports that young French people love more than football
These weird sports that young French people love more than football

As we approach the largest international sporting competition to be held in France this summer, a marked interest in local sports is emerging among the French. A recent study carried out by the IFOP for STIHL reveals that more than one in two French people (54%) show a preference for sports such as pétanque, Basque pelota and sports logging. This figure contrasts with the 51% of French people who express the desire to follow international sporting events. Local sports seem to offer a more festive and friendly atmosphere, which particularly attracts spectators.

The appeal of festive and friendly sport

Friendliness and the festive atmosphere are the main drivers of this increased interest in local sports. Indeed, 55% of respondents cite the atmosphere as a key factor in their attraction, while 45% highlight conviviality and sharing. These sports offer a more immersive and personal experience, far from the often impersonal scale of major international competitions.

Growing demand for inclusion of local sports in major competitions

More than one in three French people (38%) would like to see these local sports included in the official disciplines of international summer competitions. This demand is even stronger among young people, particularly those under 35, 47% of whom want to see these sports represented. 56% of 18-24 year olds even share this opinion, illustrating a desire for renewal and diversification of sports recognized on the world stage.

Sport logging: A spectacular sport in full swing

The World Sport Lumbering Championship STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® represents a particularly attractive discipline. This sport, which this year will combine more than 120 international athletes, offers events such as “Springboard”, where competitors climb a pole to cut a block of wood high up. This show attracts not only fans of traditional sports but also a wider audience, curious to discover unusual competitions.

Growing popularity among young people and seniors

Sport logging, in particular, is enjoying notable success. Around 41% of French people express the desire to attend the world championships in Toulouse. This proportion reaches almost 50% among those under 35, highlighting the appeal that this sport has on young adults. Furthermore, 75% of those over 65 are attracted by the spectacular aspect of these competitions, proving that sporting logging transcends generations.

Why attend the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® World Championship?

The reasons for participating in this championship are varied: 53.5% of 18-24 year olds are attracted by the discovery of a new sport, while 53% appreciate the atypical and entertaining side of the event. The sale of tickets for the STIHL TIMBERSPORTS® World Championships which will take place on November 8 and 9 in Toulouse therefore promises to be a success.

The craze for local sports in France reveals a paradigm shift in French sporting preferences. In the shadow of major international sporting events, these disciplines offer an alternative rich in emotions and sharing, which seems increasingly popular with all generations. Sport logging, in particular, with its unique blend of tradition and spectacle, is well on its way to becoming a pillar of this new sporting landscape.



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