A dog travels miles to save his owner who was the victim of a road accident

A dog travels miles to save his owner who was the victim of a road accident
A dog travels miles to save his owner who was the victim of a road accident

06/09/2024 at 2:53 p.m.

In the US state of Oregon, a motorist ended up in a ravine before being saved by his dog. The animal in the vehicle at the time of the accident traveled miles to find help.

Rescued thanks to the heroism of his pet. In the US state of Oregon, a motorist ended up driving into a ravine before finally being saved thanks to the intervention of his dog, according to a story in The Guardian newspaper.

Shortly before the accident, Brandon Garrett was driving his four canines upstate to Baker County to join his family who were camping nearby.

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Stranded in the middle of nowhere

But during the journey, the man was unable to negotiate a turn and crashed on an embankment, according to a press release from local authorities. While Brandon Garrett fortunately survived this violent collision, the accident in early June left him injured and forced him to wait desperately for someone to come to his aid.

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But finally, one of his dogs decides to run to the campsite, allowing those close to him to understand that something is wrong. All at the end of a crazy race of more than 6 kilometers.

Quickly, Garrett’s family began looking for the wrecked man and ended up spotting his wrecked car. If they were unable to extract him from the area due to the steepness of the terrain, his relatives decided to alert the emergency services.

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Chainsaws to remove it from the area

Thus, rescuers equipped with chainsaws, a rescue blanket and a rope managed to extract Brandon from the steep area. The victim was found about a hundred meters from the scene of the accident in the company of his three other dogs, all alive.

After receiving first aid, the motorist was airlifted to a local hospital. For the moment, the authorities have not communicated on the extent of his injuries or even his general state of health.



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