Gaza: Was hostage Noa Argamani held in the house of a Palestinian journalist killed in the assault?

Gaza: Was hostage Noa Argamani held in the house of a Palestinian journalist killed in the assault?
Gaza: Was hostage Noa Argamani held in the house of a Palestinian journalist killed in the assault?

The Israeli army succeeded on Saturday morning in freeing four hostages held in the commune of Nousseirat, in the Gaza Strip, by Hamas fighters. To achieve this, the operation was preceded by massive strikes on an entire neighborhood. The toll is heavy: at least 200 dead and more than 400 injured.

According to images from AFPTV, Nousseirat today offers a spectacle of desolation: charred cars, gutted buildings, fires and smoking rubble. We see men making their way through the debris to try to put out flames or help the injured. Others were gathered around bodies wrapped in blankets.

Killed with his entire family in their house

The humanitarian association Euro-Med Monitor has since been trying to put names to these victims and tell the context of their deaths. One of its members on site, Ramy Abdu, relays this Sunday on X a testimony that he collected and which provokes a lot of reaction. “ The Israeli army used a ladder to enter the house of Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamalhe writes. The army immediately executed Fatima Al-Jamal, 36, after encountering her on the stairs. Law enforcement then stormed the house and executed her husband, journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal, 36, and her father, Dr. Ahmed, 74, in front of her grandchildren. The army also shot dead (the doctor’s daughter) Zainab, 27, who was seriously injured. »

The newspaper The Palestine Chronicle confirmed the death of one of its journalists. “ Abdallah Al-Jamal, contributor to the Palestine Chronicle from Gaza, is one of 210 Palestinians killed in the Nuseirat massacre on Saturday », indicated the media on X. The man also worked for the Arabic channel Al-Jazeera.

Call for caution

Ramy Abdu’s testimony does not explicitly say that the Al-Jamal family held one of the released hostages, but many accounts claim this Sunday morning that it was in this house that Noa Argamani, 26, was held, kidnapped on October 7. @sentdefender, specialized in open Source intelligence, states that “ Noa Argamani was being held captive at the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a photojournalist and writer/editor for Al-Jazeera and The Palestine Chronicle. During the operation, Abdallah and several members of his family were killed while trying to prevent Noa’s rescue. » @sentdefender does not give his Source.

The pro-Zionist activist association Israel Advocacy Movement also took up this “information” which remains to be confirmed: “ This dog celebrated October 7 and we have just learned that Noa Argamani was being held captive in his home.
He doesn’t party anymore. Remember his name the next time the world claims Israel is killing journalists“, she writes.

Only @talhagin, another account specializing in open Source information on X, calls for caution: “It is not confirmed that Abdallah Aljamal was holding Noa Algamani captive at his home. This is based on testimony provided by Ramy Abdu. (…) There are NO confirmed reports that Noa was detained by this journalist.”



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