Rock & Cars Festival in Lavaur canceled: several festival-goers injured by falling branches

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An accident took place on Saturday June 8 late in the afternoon on the site of the Rock & Cars festival in Lavaur. As the concerts were about to begin, a large tree branch fell on the audience. Several injuries have been reported.

It was around 6 p.m., while the crowd had taken their places in front of the stage and the concert of the group Louie & The Hurricanes was about to begin in the cathedral gardens, that a large diameter tree branch fell, leading for a second, before falling on the audience.

At the foot of the tree, there were around fifteen spectators, most of whom had time to move aside. But four people were caught under the branches and quickly the Red Cross present on site intervened to provide first aid. Spectators and organizers helped clear the branches.

“There was a crack. I just had time to step back”

A festival goer

A festival, Robert Mosnier testifies: “I was under the tree. There was a crack. I just had time to step back. The people sitting in front of me were not so lucky. We rushed to free people stuck under the foliage. The two branches were really heavy, several people had to work on it”. After helping he made a video:

© Roger Mosnier

Police and firefighters arrived quickly on site to treat the injured and secure the accident site. Five spectators were injured, one seriously. He was evacuated by emergency services in an absolute emergency.

A security perimeter was set up and the branches were evacuated by a municipal services truck. The mayor of Lavaur, Bernard Carayon was present on site. After discussion with the organizers, the emergency services, the gendarmerie and the prefecture, the resumption of the concerts was announced before the mayor took the microphone a few minutes later to ask the public to leave the premises. The festival evening is canceled.

Alexandre Renault with JF.A


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Alexandre RENAULT



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