less polluting than ever, according to this new study

less polluting than ever, according to this new study
less polluting than ever, according to this new study

For their part, electric cars vary in energy efficiency. The most efficient models can travel more than 6.5 kilometers per kWh, while some electric pickups do less than 3.5 kilometers per kWh. For example, on Florida’s power grid, the average electric car emits as much as a combustion engine car consuming 75 mpg (3.1 liters per 100 kilometers). However, an efficient model like the Hyundai Ioniq 6 can achieve emissions equivalent to a thermal car consuming just 98 mpg (2.4 liters per 100 kilometers).

Particularly popular in the United States, replacing thermal pickups with electric pickups has notable benefits in terms of reducing carbon emissions. For example, an electric pickup truck in Texas emits as much as a 2024 Toyota Prius. However, the study acknowledges that “ switching from a fuel-efficient thermal car to an electric pick-up can reduce or negate the environmental benefits “.

Finally, the study concludes by emphasizing that the reduction in emissions from electric cars since 2012 is largely attributable to the increase in renewable energy. In 2012, 44% of electricity in the United States was produced from coal, compared to less than 20% in 2022. At the same time, the share of wind and solar energy increased from less than 2 to 14% during the same period.



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