Elections 2024: here is what the final polls say about the possible results

Elections 2024: here is what the final polls say about the possible results
Elections 2024: here is what the final polls say about the possible results

Belgians are voting this Sunday June 9 in the federal, regional and European elections. From 8 a.m., La Libre will offer you the opportunity to follow the latest developments relating to this mega-scrutiny live. But until then, you can find the results of the latest polls below. In Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders, find out which parties have the most voting intentions and which parties are losing ground in the final opinion surveys.

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What do the latest polls say about the elections in Wallonia? The PS and the MR neck and neck

An opinion survey was proposed by RTL -Cluster 17 in this final week of the campaign. The poll published this Tuesday, June 4, gives the PS winning in the south of the country, with 23.9% of voting intentions. The socialists are followed (very) closely by the MR (23%). In third place, Les Engagés totaled 17.9% of voting intentions. Behind them, we find the PTB (16%), Ecolo (8%) and DéFi (4%).

In the Grand Baromètre Ipsos-Le Soir-RTL Info-Het Laatste Nieuws-VTM, published on May 24, the MR of Georges-Louis Bouchez has caught up with the PS of Paul Magnette! While the Socialists were well in the lead in 2019, they share first place on the podium with the Liberals (22.6% each) in this opinion survey. Behind them, Les Engagés led by Maxime Prévot total 18.1% of voting intentions, while Raoul Hedebouw’s PTB has 14.5% of voting intentions. The environmentalists crashed with 8.8% of voting intentions and DéFi with 4.3% of voting intentions.

Paul Magnette and Georges-Louis Bouchez ©Photo News

What do the latest polls say about the 2024 elections in Brussels? The MR first party in the capital

The poll, published by RTL-Cluster 17 this Tuesday, June 4, confirms the good form of the MR in the capital. The Liberals total 22.9% of voting intentions. Behind them, the PTB has 19.8% of voting intentions and the PS 15% of voting intentions. The ecologists crash into fourth place (11.6%), the Engagés land in fifth place (7.8%) and DéFi in sixth place (7%).

It is also the MR which largely dominates the race in Brussels, in the Grand Baromètre Ipsos-Le Soir-RTL Info-Het Laatste Nieuws-VTM, published on May 24. The Liberals total 23.3% of voting intentions in this poll. In second position, we find the PTB with 19.8% of voting intentions. Raoul Hedebouw’s party is therefore ahead of the PS which occupies third place (15.2%). Behind the socialists, we find Ecolo (12.5%), Les Engagés (7.7%), DéFi (7.2%), the N-VA (3.4%) and Vlaams Belang (3.1% ).

What do the latest Belgian polls say in Flanders? Vlaams Belang remains the undisputed winner

Shortly after the 2019 elections, Vlaams Belang dethroned Bart De Wever’s N-VA in Flanders in the polls. And since then, the far-right party has never given up its place. And this is still true in the latest HLN-VTM survey which has just been released. The far-right party is credited with 25.8% of voting intentions. the N-VA is above the 20% mark, contrary to the RTL poll two days ago. The Flemish nationalists have 21% voting intentions. Behind them, we find Vooruit (15.6%), CD&V (12.3%), PVDA (10.2%), Open VLD (7%) and Groen (6.1%).

According to the RTL -Cluster 17 poll published this Tuesday, June 4, Tom Van Grieken’s party garners 27.2% of voting intentions. The N-VA falls for the first time since 2019 below 20% (19.6%). Behind the Flemish nationalists, we find Vooruit (13%), CD&V (12%), PVDA (9.3%), Open VLD (9.2%) and Groen (6.9%).

The Big Barometer Ipsos-Le Soir-RTL Info-Het Laatste Nieuws-VTM published on May 24 shows similar trends. Tom Van Grieken’s party won 26.8% of the voting intentions. In second position, we find the N-VA, credited with 20.6% of voting intentions, and in third position, Vooruit (14.3%). Behind the Flemish socialists are the CD&V (12.2%), the PTB/PVDA (8.9%), the Open VLD (8.2%) and Groen (6.6%).

“Conner Rousseau, in one gesture, succeeded in ridiculing Raoul Hedebouw”

Don’t know who to vote for? Take the La Libre electoral test

If you still have doubts as the elections approach, if you want to give a basis to your choice or if you are looking to know the positions of the different parties, La Libre has developed the tool you need: the Electoral Test . Without going into detail about the programs of all the training courses, this application allows you to already have a precise idea of ​​the main ideas defended by the political parties. After answering a series of questions, you will see which party you are closest to.

La Libre’s 2024 electoral test – carried out in partnership with RTBF, VRT, Standaard, UCLouvain and UAntwerpen, etc. – stands out from other media tools because it offers arguments before you have to respond. In this way, when you don’t really have an opinion on a subject, you can already read the arguments of the different parties (without them being cited so as not to bias your choice), which will guide you without any problems. doubt about one decision rather than the other.

Take our election test here

The 2024 federal, regional and European elections

The year 2024 is a decisive political year for Belgium, marked by a series of important elections. On June 9, Belgian citizens go to the polls to participate in the federal, regional and European elections. This is a key moment for the country’s political future, where every vote counts in shaping the direction Belgium will take. But the election year won’t end there. On October 13, voters will be asked again for the municipal and provincial elections. This second series of elections will make it possible to renew local authorities, crucial for the management of the daily affairs of Belgian municipalities and provinces.

What is an invalid vote?



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