He had taken out his penis to put out a fire, a young man tried for sexual exhibition and contempt

He had taken out his penis to put out a fire, a young man tried for sexual exhibition and contempt
He had taken out his penis to put out a fire, a young man tried for sexual exhibition and contempt

On January 13, around 11:30 p.m., he had already consumed a bottle of vodka when his group of friends was joined by a municipal police patrol at the city stadium in the Beutre district of Mérignac. A fire had been lit, quickly extinguished by the officers. The story could have ended there.

He admits he has “bad alcohol.” That’s why I don’t drink. Otherwise, every time, I can’t stop or control myself,” he declares in complete incoherence.

But the fire started again and the officers returned. There, considering himself disturbed, the defendant became angry while his friends tried to reason with him. He pulled down his pants and, with his genitals exposed, yelled that he was going to put out the fire. Dressed again, he returned to the charge and was then arrested. Not without shoving, spitting and insults towards the police.

Bad alcohol

Placed in police custody, he pulled down his underwear again. The defendant recognizes this second sexual exhibition, but not the first. “I said I was going to piss on him to put out the fire, but never in my life am I going to show my penis in the street,” he defends himself, denying the obvious.

He admits he has “bad alcohol.” That’s why I don’t drink. Otherwise, every time, I can’t stop or control myself,” he says incoherently. Anyway, I take care of myself. » Already convicted several times, he explains that he “stopped the bullshit”. He works and his partner is pregnant.

“He takes refuge behind the words of someone who has drunk too much, but his unacceptable and intolerable behavior reflects his total contempt,” summarizes Me Guillaume Sapata, who defends the outraged municipal agents. Deputy prosecutor Sylvie Rodrigues recalls that “his state of intoxication was such that his blood alcohol level could not be measured because he was drinking in the cell”.



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