Gilles d’Ettore affair: Sébastien Frey has just been elected new mayor of Agde, follow the election live

Gilles d’Ettore affair: Sébastien Frey has just been elected new mayor of Agde, follow the election live
Gilles d’Ettore affair: Sébastien Frey has just been elected new mayor of Agde, follow the election live

An important municipal council meeting begins this Friday, June 7 at 6 p.m. Agathois elected officials will indeed elect a new mayor following the resignation of Gilles D’Ettore. A page in the political history of the Hérault commune is turning.

This Friday, June 7, the Agde municipal council meets for an exceptional session. On the agenda: the election of the new mayor following the resignation of Gilles d’Ettore, incarcerated since last March because he was involved in the “clairvoyant” affair. Follow the live stream.

6:25 p.m. Sébastien Frey: “It is necessary to restore dialogue just as it is necessary to restore authority”

Gilles D’Ettore’s first deputy for several decades, Sébastien Frey donned the tricolor scarf. “I will not comment on the current procedure concerning Gilles d’Ettore, I will not deviate from this set line. “We will respect each of the commitments we have made. It’s in the interest of Agde…” Sébastien Frey has a word for Gilles d’Ettore and the action they carried out together for the city. “I have a thought for the man as well as especially for his children.” Applause.

6:17 p.m. Sébastien Frey is elected new mayor of Agde

Election of the new mayor of Agde, Sébastien Frey. The first deputy takes over after the resignation of the mayor of Agde

— Midi Libre Béziers (@MLBeziers)

6:15 p.m. Counting

Unsurprisingly, the bulletins in the name of Sébastien Frey follow one another.

Sébastien Frey: 27 bulletins.

Thierry Nadal: 6 ballots.

Fabienne Varesano: 1 bulletin.

6:10 p.m. Thierry Nadal asks: “Is this system going to continue?”

Thierry Nadal, candidate, in the opposition: “No, I do not have confidence in you, that is why I have been encouraging you to resign for two months. It is your inaction that I condemn: you have not saw nothing coming while you formed a pair with the mayor You did nothing for transparency when you could have asked for an audit. I imagine that you feel strong? is what lost Gilles D’Ettore but things are changing I ask you once again, resign, as Gilles D’Ettore has just done.

Fabienne Varesano (RN) will be heard Monday by the SRPJ

Fabienne Varesano, candidate for the RN: “A complaint concerning this permit (to build the house of the former partner of Gilles D’Ettore Editor’s note) has been filed. I will be in the premises of the SRPJ on Monday for a new case involving Mr. Frey. Abstain or vote for me but put an end to this system.” She is applauded by the room.

6:05 p.m. Three candidates

For the municipal majority, the candidacy of Sébastien Frey is proposed. Thierry Nadal for “Agde green and safe” is a candidate. Ms. Varesano, for the National Rally, is also a candidate.

6 p.m. The session is opened by Sébastien Frey

“Welcome to Vanessa Moreno, first non-elected candidate from the majority list, she is entering the council”. She will be the session secretary. The room is full.

Dean Louis Bentajou chairs the session.



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