Open day testimonial | EEAS

Open day testimonial | EEAS
Open day testimonial | EEAS

The first edition of the Open Days (OPD) organized by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in the Central African Republic (CAR) took place from November 28 to 30, 2019.

Madame Ibara born Gaboua Marie Virginie, President of the Ita Mon Londo Egbou Maboko Association

The first edition of the Open Days (JPO) organized by the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in the Central African Republic (CAR) from November 28 to 30, 2019 and inaugurated by the President of the Republic Faustin Archange Touadéra and the Ambassador of the EU, Samuela Isopi, with the slogan “I LA! “We, all together”, “we are here!”, gave the floor to the beneficiaries of the numerous actions carried out by the EU in favor of peace, reconstruction and development of the CAR because it is the Central Africans who are the real protagonists of this cooperation and these Days which are in line with the National Recovery and Peace Consolidation Plan (RCPCA).Madame Ibara née Gaboua Marie Virginie, President of the Ita Mon Londo Egbou Maboko Association, shows her gratitude to the European Union through the Bêkou Fund. She welcomes the capacity building in the commercial field organized by the EU partner NGO DRC. through the FINI BANGONDO TI MAI project. For her, “Through the Békou Fund through the DRC, we benefited from capacity building in commerce, and this allowed my organization to put together an action plan and manage an association. Thanks to the Bekou Fund, our association knows how to save money and request credit from banking institutions in order to live better in society. Currently, at the end of each savings, each woman can leave with a sum of 200,000 FCFA or even 300,000 FCFA so this sufficiently demonstrates that the Bekou Fund has had a positive impact on Central African society,” testified the President of the Ita Mon Londo Egbou Maboko Association.



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