François Hollande supports Raphaël Glucksmann

François Hollande supports Raphaël Glucksmann
François Hollande supports Raphaël Glucksmann

The former President of the Republic got involved in the PS campaign for Europeans this Thursday. He estimated that Raphaël Glucksmann’s list shows that there is hope on the left, different from LFI.

23:13 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon attacks Raphaël Glucksmann

Jean-Luc Mélenchon spoke at the last campaign meeting of Manon Aubry, head of the list of La France insoumise (LFI). The boss of the Insoumis reacted to the campaign of Raphaël Glucksmann, in a good position in recent polls. “We come to campaign against the far right; he comes to beat LFI.” “I tell him, be careful, you pig who backs out of it! Because you just said that this will settle the matter once and for all. It’s true that we’ve already beaten you twice in the election presidential election and once in the European election,” he added.

22:05 – François Hollande in support of Raphaël Glucksmann

Former President of the Republic François Hollande participated in a public meeting to support the list carried by Raphaël Glucksmann. The PS list “showed that there was a possible line, a European line, open, social and ecological, unifying. And that there was a space between an ending and disappointing power (…), and what is today LFI with its divisions and its behaviors”.

20:17 – Maintaining the vote in New Caledonia raises questions

The executive has chosen to maintain the holding of the European election in New Caledonia, Sunday June 9, despite the very tense conditions. A choice that is not unanimous in the archipelago. “No essential public freedom is restored,” said Philippe Dunoyer, deputy for the first constituency, although affiliated with the Renaissance group of the presidential majority. For him, organizing these elections “is lunar”, “surreal”. The Caledonian Union, a pro-independence party, judged that “the conditions are not met for the European elections to be held normally”.

19:27 – Pierre Larrouturou calls to vote for the Les Ecologistes-EELV list

A voting instruction a few days before the election. The head of the Nouvelle Donne list, Pierre Larrouturou, announced on Thursday June 6 that he was calling for a vote for the Les Ecologistes-EELV list led by Marie Toussaint. In a video, he explains that he will not take “the risk of losing 5 environmentalist allies in the European Parliament and sending 3 more right-wing and far-right deputies.” “This is why I will vote for the list of Ecologists led by Marie Toussaint,” he says. He wants green elected representatives to exceed the 5% mark necessary to have elected representatives in the European Parliament.

18:31 – Status quo in voting intentions, according to a survey

According to a Toluna Harris Interactive survey with RTL, M6 and Challenges published this Thursday, June 6, the National Rally list carried by Jordan Bardella remains at the top of voting intentions (32%). The Renaissance, MoDem and Horizons list, led by Valérie Hayer, saw a slight increase (+0.5%) to 14.5% of voting intentions. The list of the Socialist Party and Place publique, headed by Raphaël Glucksmann, completes the podium with 13% of voting intentions. Behind, the list of France Insoumise of Manon Aubry loses 0.5 points (8.5%) as does the list of Republicans led by François-Xavier Bellamy (7%).

5:00 p.m. – François-Xavier Bellamy well surrounded in Cannes for the D-Day commemorations

The head of the list of the right and the center was today in Cannes, alongside the mayor LR David Lisnard, to commemorate the landing of 1944. The president of the Republicans Eric Ciotti was also present, as well as a running mate of François- Xavier Bellamy, Laurent Castillo. On

4:45 p.m. – The heads of the NPA Revolutionaries list at a meeting in Paris this evening

The NPA Révolutionnaires is organizing a public meeting this evening at the Japy gymnasium, in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, from 7 p.m. Its two heads of the European list will be present: Selma Labib, bus driver, and Gaël Quirante, postal worker and trade unionist. The list defends “a world without borders or bosses”.

The NPA Révolutionnaires emerged from a split in 2022 from the New Anticapitalist Party founded by Olivier Besancenot.

16:24 – François Hollande in a meeting this evening with a running mate of Raphaël Glucksmann

The former President of the Republic will demonstrate his support for the PS and Place publique list during a meeting in Isle (Haute-Vienne) this evening, alongside Raphaël Glucksmann’s running mate, Gulsen Yildirim. François Hollande gave his support to this list last January. But he stayed relatively away from the campaign. Is his presence feared? “We want to ensure that we are never assimilated to anyone who today intends to take advantage of the European election to return to the political game,” warned the boss of the Socialists, Olivier. Faure, on -.

16:01 – On which channels can you follow Emmanuel Macron’s interview this evening?

The French head of state will be interviewed at 8 p.m. by journalists from TF1 and France 2, live from Caen where he is celebrating the 80th anniversary of the landing. His speech will therefore be followed on the first two channels, but also broadcast on - and LCI.

3:40 p.m. – Valérie Hayer gives her last meeting in Nice this evening

The president of the Renew group in the European Parliament is going to Nice this evening to host her final public meeting before the elections. While the Macronist executive will be in Normandy for the commemorations of the landing, their head of the list will thus complete his campaign in the south. It is already in Nice that another head of the list, Marion Maréchal, has decided to give her last meeting on Wednesday evening.



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