European Archeology Day 2024

European Archeology Day 2024
European Archeology Day 2024

Every year, the European Archeology Days (JEA) invite the public to explore the past in all its diversity. On this occasion, more than a thousand events are offered throughout France: openings exceptional excavation sites, Archeology Villages, educational and fun activities, meetings with researchers, laboratory visits, exhibitions, screenings… From June 14 to 16, all those involved in archeology are mobilizing to share their knowledge , their professions and their discoveries.

A European event
In 2023, 30 countries participated in the JEA and for the first time the 2024 edition benefits from the sponsorship of the Council of Europe.

2024, Olympic year and Paralympic
Exhibitions, activities and demonstrations put sport in the spotlight during the JEA, in this Olympic and Paralympic year. “Prehistoric Games”, combining experimental archeology and sporting events, notably offer prehistoric weapons shooting championships and Neolithic canoe regattas.

On Arte, Saturday June 15
Since their creation, the European Archeology Days have benefited from the partnership of the Arte channel, which will once again dedicate programming dedicated to archeology this year on Saturday June 15. The European Archeology Days benefit from the support of Bouygues Travaux Publics, Promogim, Demathieu Bard Immobilier and the Pichet group.

All the program and all the information on



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