Edouard Roger-Vasselin, winner of Roland-Garros in mixed doubles: “I hope I scored some points”

Edouard Roger-Vasselin, winner of Roland-Garros in mixed doubles: “I hope I scored some points”
Edouard Roger-Vasselin, winner of Roland-Garros in mixed doubles: “I hope I scored some points”

“How do you feel after winning Roland-Garros in mixed doubles, ten years after the men’s doubles title?
That’s one more trophy at Roland-Garros, ten years later almost to the day, it’s the most beautiful trophy a Frenchman can have, a double. Having him in singles is a little too late for me. It’s a great day, I couldn’t imagine anything better to have this trophy in my hands, to celebrate it with my children, my family, my friends, it’s just fabulous.

Where do you classify it?
It’s difficult to compare. The first at Roland-Garros ten years ago in men’s doubles (with Julien Benneteau), it remains the strongest because it is the first. Despite everything, here I can share it with my children, which is something unique, the same woman as ten years ago, the same parents, the same friends. When I see it rising in the stands, my loved ones, my family or the public chanting my name, there is nothing more beautiful. There is also the one in Bercy six months ago which was also extraordinary, if I manage to have great emotions every six months, that’s great. But I hope not to wait six months, a month and a half, that wouldn’t be bad.

You registered only two hours before the deadline with Laura Siegemund.
Initially, I had planned to play with a French girl with a possible Olympic Games in mind. For various reasons, the players did not want to play and the other French players were already committed, so I found myself all alone, without a partner, 2-3 days before the end of registration. Laura (Siegemund) had offered me several times, I know she’s a great player, I offered her two hours before the end if she was available. The rest of the story is beautiful.

“I hope to be able to experience others which could perhaps be even more beautiful”

Having played on this Philippe-Chatrier, does that make you want to relive that soon?
I said on the microphone on the ground that I would like to come back in a month and a half. It’s been the goal for a long, long time, since the day it was announced, to participate in the Olympics, I hope I scored points today with this title. The emotions that are there, I will savor them, but I hope to be able to experience others which could perhaps be even more beautiful. I hope I have proven myself well enough to be selected.

Is the idea still to play mixed doubles at the Olympics with Caroline Garcia?
We played a few matches together, it went rather well, there is a thought, I would really like to play with Caroline, I think she is thinking about playing all three (singles, women’s doubles, mixed doubles), it’s a lot. We had more or less planned to play the doubles here. Maybe if she sees that I won too, I’m not a bad partner, but obviously I’d be happy to play with her if I get selected.

“There was the Pierre-Hugues Herbert option, he is an excellent doubles player, but the option is not possible because I will not be top 10. Except in the case of a wild card. I don’t know if this option will be retained”

About the men’s doubles, after your defeat in the first round, it was still a little blurry. Is it clearer?
It’s a little clearer, but it’s not very clear. There are the rules (for a wild card), it’s possible, after that it remains a decision of the federation, do we want to put one or two teams, which one? Honestly, it’s not very clear. I want to play.

Is it possible that you will play Wimbledon with your partner at the Olympics?
Yes, that was the idea, will it come true? It’s not sure, because there are lots of options and to be honest, we haven’t decided yet. For now, I’m in options. Initially, the idea was to play with Nico (Mahut), to qualify together, me to be top 10, him to come back in the first 40. There, the cut is too risky, it won’t happen. There was the Pierre-Hugues Herbert option, he is an excellent doubles player, but the option is not possible because I will not be top 10.

What if he gets a wild card?
Except in the case of a wild card. I don’t know if this option will be retained.

And to play with Fabien Reboul or Sadio Doumbia?
To be honest, it wasn’t the initial idea, but the option is definitely on the table because they are the best ranked and we have to make the cut. »



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