4-week trend: no severe heat expected between now and the start of the summer holidays

4-week trend: no severe heat expected between now and the start of the summer holidays
4-week trend: no severe heat expected between now and the start of the summer holidays

If you fear the heat, this trend is good news for you, since there is currently no heat wave on the horizon, which is not bad news in itself. Also, a long, fairly stormy trend is expected, something to delight lightning enthusiasts.

Week of June 10 to 16: brutal cooling and humid weather

After the violent storms of the weekend of June 8-9, it is the cold which will prevail over France for this week with sometimes remarkable negative anomalies. Temperatures will be 3 to 5°C below seasonal norms in places. In addition to this great freshness, there could be several disturbances with fresh rains in the northern half and stormy showers in the south and particularly near the Mediterranean. This will therefore not be the ideal week if you want to enjoy a vacation in the sun.

Week of June 17 to 23: less cool, but still stormy

From mid-June, temperatures could gradually return to seasonal norms. But, however, the unstable weather could persist with an anticyclone which would still struggle to fully affect France as a whole. As a result, stormy showers would be frequent with sometimes significant degradation in an axis going from the southwest to the northeast. The music festival could therefore be electric in certain regions.

Week of June 24 to 30: unstable and stormy, especially in the south

At this point, reliability becomes significantly worse. The preferred scenario is that of the establishment of low pressures near the Mediterranean while the anticyclone should rise again over Northern Europe while influencing the north of the country. The weather could therefore finally become a little drier in the northern half, while frequent storms could affect the southern half and the Mediterranean. These conditions should prevent very hot air coming from sub-Saharan Africa from rising towards our regions. Temperatures should therefore remain close to normal, without a big difference.

Week from July 1 to 7: finally towards an improvement?

Although reliability is low at this time, it is possible that lasting drier weather sets in over a large part of the regions. However, there is very little visibility at this time and according to our forecasts, no heatwave or even heatwave is expected to date.

Next update, Thursday June 13 at 5 p.m.



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