Flag football, discovering an Olympic sport

Flag football, discovering an Olympic sport
Flag football, discovering an Olympic sport

It has even become an Olympic sport: flag football is on the program for the 2028 Summer Games in Los Angeles. Derived from American football, but without contact, it is very popular across the Atlantic. On the other hand, he has a confidential audience in Switzerland. Le Chaux-de-Fonnier Eric Marques is working on its development. He is coach of the national mixed under-15 team. Its objective is to expand this selection with a view to participating in the European Junior Championships at the beginning of September in Serbia. In the longer term, he also mentions participation in the Olympic Games: “The Swiss federation wants us to gain strength. She wants to push us in this direction. His goal is to one day be able to field a competitive Swiss team at the Olympic Games,” explains Eric Marques. The prospect of a possible Olympic selection always constitutes an additional Source of motivation for the next generation.

The rules of flag football are inspired by American football, with the difference that there is no contact and tackles are prohibited. These are replaced by tearing off strips of fabric hanging from the belt: “It’s a team sport, which is played five against five. We really avoid contact, it’s a fairly safe sport at this level,” Eric Marques further describes. Flag football lends itself well to learning American football: “It is fun and interesting for young people. » And it is possible to practice it in the canton’s two American football clubs, the La Chaux-de-Fonds Hornets and the Neuchâtel Knights.

Learn about flag football or better yet take part in training with the Swiss junior team, that’s what Eric Marques is offering, with the support of the Federation. “We would really like to have young players who are interested in representing Switzerland during the European tournament in Serbia. »

A recruitment session for the national under-15 team takes place on Sunday June 9 in Zurich. Eric Marques notes that there is also the possibility of learning flag football at the Hornets club in La Chaux-de-Fonds. /mne



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