big winner of this final, Léa did not only win the 100,000 euros…

big winner of this final, Léa did not only win the 100,000 euros…
big winner of this final, Léa did not only win the 100,000 euros…

This Tuesday, June 4, TF1 broadcast the grand final of Koh Lanta 2024 (or Koh Lanta: the immunity hunters). Julie, Meïssa and Léa were competing and it was the latter who was crowned the big winner of this exceptional season. But, in addition to the 100,000 euros, she also impressed Internet users for another reason during the final presented by Denis Brogniart…

This exceptional season of Koh Lanta 2024 (or Koh Lanta: the immunity hunters) ended this Tuesday, June 4. Fans of the show were able to attend the very last episode and therefore the legendary pole test which, for once, did not take place at sea, but in a river due to bad weather. It was Léa who lasted the longest and therefore qualified for the very last stage.

I’m on cloud nine. I’m so happy I managed to hold on because it’s so hard. And they are very strong because we really held on until the end and therefore the victory is even more beautiful“, she rejoiced, before choosing Maïssa to accompany her to face the final jury: “He fell just after Julie. I couldn’t decide between them. I didn’t know if I had a better chance of winning against one or the other, and I think that’s damn good. Julie is very popular, Meïssa too, so I decided to choose according to the order of the posts falling

>>Koh Lanta : a finalist obsessed with the 100,000 euros to be won, a balancing adventurer!

Léa wins the adventure, but not only that…

But Léa was not content with winning the poles, since during the big one on the plateau, she learned that she was the big winner of the season.

It’s crazy ! I would have paid to come to Koh Lanta, and that’s the icing on the cake. It was an adventure…

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Read also

Koh Lanta: a finalist obsessed with the 100,000 euros to be won, a balanced adventurer!
Koh Lanta 2024: Léa destabilized and embarrassed by Denis Brogniart, this little sentence which made her uncomfortable
Pierre Garnier forgotten by TF1? The singer still hasn’t received his 100,000 euros (but thanks to Those We Were, he was already rich)



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