‘I think it’s a joke’, this famous story creator doesn’t understand the price of skins honoring Faker on League of Legends

‘I think it’s a joke’, this famous story creator doesn’t understand the price of skins honoring Faker on League of Legends
‘I think it’s a joke’, this famous story creator doesn’t understand the price of skins honoring Faker on League of Legends

Riot Games hasn’t caused such an outcry in a while. If the studio is criticized for certain of its choices, or balancing problems within League of Legends, the discontent aroused following the announcement of a Signature pack paying tribute to Faker, and sold at the astronomical price of nearly 500 euros, doesn’t seem to stop.

If players’ dissatisfaction is obvious, some content creators are also getting involved.

A new policy with no future?

He is perhaps not the best-known streamer/youtuber in France, but in Spain, he enjoys a good reputation. He notably works for Ibai’s Koi team, on the one hand as a content creator on League of Legends, and on the other hand as an esports player on Pokémon. On Twitch, he has more than 1.1 million subscribers – so he is at the top of the basket.

After discovering the various packs offered by League of Legends concerning the Faker skin, the latter gave his opinion; openly and with total clarity and transparency as usual. Before addressing the question of price, he addressed this new economic strategy from Riot.

My question is the following. It’s Faker, there are going to be a lot of people who are going to buy the skin no matter how much you sell it for [en s’adressant à Riot Games : ndlr]. Which player will you choose next time so that the players pay the price? Do you think there are going to be people who will pay 600 euros for a skin that is not Faker’s?

In short, if he understands that the name of Faker is a decisive factor in the sale of these packs (even the one for 500 euros), he doubts any other player could justify such a price. Is not the Immortal Demon God who wants.

A price that should be reduced

After this initial reflection, Knekro analyzed in detail the contents of each pack, to determine whether or not their prices were justified. And for him, as for many, absolutely not. If the first, Transcendée (sold for 47) euros, seems decent, this is not the case for the other two (Immortalized/around 282 euros, and Signature/around 500 euros).

They should have lowered the price a little. Everything you get for around 50 euros is worth it. It’s a pass with 100 levels, new content and exclusive stuff, but the jump from 5,000 to 30,000 RP and then it’s double. You pay twice as much for faker’s counter building finishing move, and the iconic ed Faker (Ctrl + 5) action basically. The rest is just junk, a banner, a border…. The fact that they made three versions, I think it’s a bit of a joke.

These two should come together and cost a hundred bucks or something.


If I wasn’t a content creator and didn’t have a lot of money, I wouldn’t buy it with your money.

He still points out that there are some amusing elements, such as the Ніdе оn buѕh tag which is a clear nod to his soloQ summoner nickname, with a bush and his famous glasses inside, which you will unlock via the battle pass. But for him, it is obvious that the two higher packs are priced too high for the additional content they offer, and suffice to say that quite a few players agree with him.


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Back to school week for the competitive world of League of Legends. First full week for the LPL and its new format, the LEC returns for the Summer Split and the LFL is already a third of the way through its regular season. We offer you a small selection of matches not to be missed!



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