Lavaur. The strike continues, negotiations stall

Lavaur. The strike continues, negotiations stall
Lavaur. The strike continues, negotiations stall

the essential
Yesterday, a new rally in support of striking staff took place in the main courtyard of the hospital center.

To say that negotiations are struggling to move forward would be an understatement. Yesterday, on the occasion of this new gathering, the unions took stock of the fourth negotiation meeting which took place last Friday.

“The HR department and the acting IT department were committed to giving answers on specific subjects and did nothing with the explanation that they had not had time and that there were too many public holidays” criticize the unions. These expected answers could be provided by the board of directors on June 24!

Where is this blocking? First there is the SSIA (home nursing services). For the unions, the team must be “urgently upgraded with 14 full-time equivalents of caregivers” denouncing “useless chatter” on other points.

Concerning medicine, the unions are asking for a night nurse without affecting the nursing assistants. While management conditions this on the reopening of beds, the unions recall that the former HR director had validated before the strike the principle of an increase of two nurses and two nursing assistants. Also, trust has been more than damaged between the parties.

For the PASA (Adapted Activities and Care Centre), a space set up in the EHPAD, dedicated to welcoming residents suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or another related illness, the transition to two care assistants in gerontology is recorded. The parties agreed that there was a shortage of a full-time equivalent nursing assistant as well as hospital service agent time, some of whom acted as nursing assistants.

After more than a month of strike, the conflict is still not resolved. We will have to wait three weeks, June 27 at 8:30 a.m., to see a new negotiation meeting. In the ranks of the strikers we wonder if dragging on would not be a way of causing the movement to die out. Judging by the atmosphere yesterday, it is above all a reason for additional discontent.



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