Double murder of Gâtinais in front of the Loiret assizes, Fazia Megchiche in turn charges her brother

Double murder of Gâtinais in front of the Loiret assizes, Fazia Megchiche in turn charges her brother
Double murder of Gâtinais in front of the Loiret assizes, Fazia Megchiche in turn charges her brother

The trial of double murder of Gâtinais, in front of the Loiret assizes, is coming to an end. After four days of hearing, the two main suspects continue to accuse each other of the crime of nurse Karine Foucher and her patient Jacques Samson, in 2019, in Montargois. Questioned at length, Monday June 3, Messaoud Megchiche admitted to having been on the scene but named his sister as the culprit. Questioned in turn this Tuesday, Fazia Megchiche refuted any involvement and attributed the guilt of this double villainous crime to her brother.

Fazia Megchiche supports him staunchly. She is not involved in the double murder of Karine Foucher and Jacques Samson. She did not leave her home that night of October 20 to 21, 2019 and it was her brother who was guilty, she insisted after two hours of interrogation in front of the jurors of the Assize Court. . Despite its contradictions, its wanderings and its sometimes crazy responses, she won’t budge. Magistrates and lawyers tried in turn, through their questions, to influence this line of defense, in vain.

“The strict truth – Fazia Megchiche

Firstly there is, questions from the president of the court. “Why did you not say that you saw Messaoud leave your home around 5:45 a.m. as soon as you were in police custody? You were being questioned for a double murder” asks Sébastien Evesque. “I was still drunk” replies Fazia Megchiche. She is questioned at the end of the afternoon after her arrest and no police custody begins under the influence of alcohol, specifies the attorney general. He adds “you were questioned twice, for more than five hours without saying anything“.

“Tomorrow it will be too late – the Advocate General

Lawyer for one of Jacques Samson’s sisters, Me Pascal Lavisse continues, “what interest does your brother have in getting you wet? by depositing your DNA everywhere as you say, he refers to your home where he lived at the time, he leaves his business card“.”Because he hates me” retorts the accused. In turn, the attorney general, Jean Cédric Gaux, tries to persuade Fazia to do a step towards the truth. “Tomorrow, it will be too late“the magistrate told him, “came out of the battle with your brother“.”He couldn’t juggle all these DNA traces, it’s not consistent“.

Verdict expected this June 5

Fazia Megchiche is confused in her statements but stubbornly persists to proclaim his innocence. It is “the strict truth” she said, addressing the members of the victims’ families, some of whom preferred to leave the courtroom. The pleadings of the civil parties began this Tuesday evening. The requisitions and pleadings of the defense are expected tomorrow, as are THE verdict a priori late in the evening.



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