these rare personalities of the right and the macronie who maintain the “republican front” against the RN – Libération

these rare personalities of the right and the macronie who maintain the “republican front” against the RN – Libération
these rare personalities of the right and the macronie who maintain the “republican front” against the RN – Libération

What remains of the “republican front”? Not much. The barrier to the far right has largely faded while the strategy of “neither LFI nor RN” dominates in the presidential camp and among the Republicans for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Not to mention the elected officials who frankly call for “barring the extreme left” by voting RN.

There therefore remain only a few names, isolated, requiring a systematic withdrawal in the event of a second round against the RN. Panorama on the few who are still “republican front” on the right and in macronie.

Guetta, Beaune, Giraud, Travert and Rilhac, the only outgoing deputies to block

Bernard Guetta, MEP re-elected on June 9 (Renew), spoke out two days after the dissolution for “withdrawals between Democrats”, in the columns of ReleaseOn June 24, he published a new column in the newspaper. the world who insists that “the one and only danger that threatens France today is lepenism.” He calls for systematically voting against the far right in the second round. The next day, he signed a collective forum in the world to request that a “withdrawal agreement is made before June 30 to block the RN on July 7.”

Clement Beaune, former Minister of Transport and outgoing deputy for the 5th district of Paris, signed the same collective forum. On June 14, he already called on France Info to “a systematic withdrawal from the RN in the second round”, even against La France insoumise.

Joel Giraud is former Minister of Territorial Cohesion under Jean Castex and outgoing deputy in Hautes-Alpes. He also signed the tribune of Monde for a withdrawal agreement. On the evening of the dissolution of June 9, he announced that he was ending his political career. “The announcement of a government of cohabitation between the President and the extreme right […] is not part of my political DNA,” he justified himself. Initially a member of the Radical Left Party, he received the nomination from La République en Marche in 2017, to be a deputy.

Stéphane Travert, former Minister of Agriculture between 2017 and 2018 and outgoing MP for Manche, signed the column. He relayed it on his Twitter account. A deputy during the presidential term of François Hollande, he was part of the left wing of the Socialist Party before getting closer to Emmanuel Macron and becoming an LREM deputy in 2017.

Cécile Rilhac is the outgoing Renaissance MP for the 3rd constituency of Val-d’Oise. If she says she is running again “against the extremes”, she nevertheless signed the same platform. A member since April 2017 of the Progressive Party of former Communist Party president Robert Hue, she joined Emmanuel Macron’s party shortly after. It is invested by LREM for the 2017 legislative elections.

Pannier-Runacher, Pompili and Rousseau, rare ministers in favor of the withdrawal agreement

Agnès Pannier-RunacherMinister Delegate for Agriculture, calls for “to vote useful » from the first round by voting for the majority and against “the extremes”. However, she signed the platform of Monde for a withdrawal agreement between “the democrats”.

Barbara Pompili is the former Minister of Ecological Transition during the government of Jean Castex. She signed the tribune of Monde for the withdrawal agreement, which she relays on her Twitter account by calling for “get out of postures and anathemas”.

Aurélien Rousseau was the Minister of Health in the government of Elisabeth Borne, of whom he was chief of staff. He resigned in December 2023 due to his disagreement with the immigration law. After the dissolution of June 9, he changed sides and joined the New Popular Front to become a candidate for deputy in the 7th constituency of Yvelines. Logically, he signed the tribune of Monde for a withdrawal agreement.

A position which should remain in the minority in the presidential camp during the second round of the legislative elections. According to the Parisian, a meeting was held on Tuesday June 25 between the President of the Republic and the executives of the majority, to define the voting instructions and the hypothesis of withdrawals in the second round. According to a participant “what emerged was to say that we needed a refusal from the extremes, RN and LFI”.

On the right, De Villepin, the last heir to the “republican front”

As for the right, it is almost not concerned by the Republican front. With the exception of Dominique de Villepin. Prime minister during the presidency of Jacques Chirac, he continues to think that the far right represents the main threat to France. “Priority must be given to the fight against the National Rally,” he explained on LCI.



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