“With my Arab head, will I have to walk along the walls? » | Interviews

“With my Arab head, will I have to walk along the walls? » | Interviews
“With my Arab head, will I have to walk along the walls? » | Interviews



The question is posed by Dillah.

The answer comes from a police captain.

It’s not a sketch. It’s not a movie. It’s in real life, today, a telephone interview with this officer in office, Stéphane Lemercier, lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Montpellier, specialist in racism in the police.

Let’s stop for a minute.

We’re beaten down, crushed under a flood of information these days, no time to think, but just listen to this:

Arab head. Walk along the walls. Probably.

If that’s it, then everyone will go along the walls in the neighborhood around our premises. The 19th arrondissement, today’s popular Paris. If Robert Doisneau returned, this is where he would come to photograph the populo of current Panama. The excellent bakery where we chat in Arabic next to the Asian caterer and his delightful ravioli, the Turkish clothes and suitcase seller, the Moroccan tattoo artist on Avenue de Flandre, the “false popular” style bohemian restaurant, the grandpa in a djellaba, the Portuguese bowlers, the lady from the local library Claude Lévi-Strauss, the cops’ car that passes from time to time, the African mothers in colorful boubous, the kosher restaurant – black hats and yarmulkes – of the other side of the street and the gangs of kids who are heckling and laughing on the footbridge under the trees… What colors are the kids? We don’t care, they don’t care.

We’ve been here in this neighborhood for almost ten years. Never the slightest hassle, ever.

And should all that go away?

Or walk along the walls?

You laugh ?

There would just be a few native white people left with the garbage that no one collects anymore, the empty shops, the restaurants without cooks and everything that would be broken down everywhere, the cranes stopped just like the Romanian doctor at the health center…

After fifty years of FN, the smart people who invested in hatred came to receive their dividends with Matignon as their jackpot.

You laugh ?

There was this graffiti once on the walls: “Foreigners, DON’T LEAVE US ALONE WITH THE FRENCH!” ».

How many seconds do we have until midnight?


Meeting with Stéphane Lemercierserving police captain, lecturer at the Montpellier law faculty and author of several works, one of which has just been published: “Racism in the Police” published by Prévôt.

According to CEVIPOF, in 2017, 57% of police and military personnel declared having voted for Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election.

Just before the 2022 presidential election, 60% intended to give their vote to the RN. And the figure was much higher (74%) if we only took active police officers into account.

Furthermore, in the last European elections, again according to CEVIPOF, the rejection of immigration by professional category was strongest among the police and the military at 74%.

Appearing with the RN is not an obstacle to making your career in the police. And even on the contrary, it seems

For example, Matthieu Valet, former commissioner and trade unionist, was elected MEP on Jordan Bardella’s list.

Small clarification, Mathieu Valet spends part of his time on the TV sets of Bolloré media. Information is important.

Another war prize for the RN: Sébastien Soulé, who inspired the film Bac Nord… was invested by the National Rally in the Var. He is a former police officer from the Bac Nord in Marseille.

And we’re not talking about the police officers who took selfies with the president of the RN Jordan Bardella during the last Agricultural Show, it’s virile friendship, it’s not the same.



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