here’s how to earn quarters

here’s how to earn quarters
here’s how to earn quarters

According to a Drees study, women receive 40% less than men in retirement. To reduce this gap, there are many solutions. Find out which ones.

In France, the gap retirement pension between men and women is a worrying reality. In fact, women receive 40% less than men when retired. This gap is partly explained by often interrupted careers, mainly due to family reasons. Fortunately for the latter, there are solutions which allow you to gain quarters retirement and reduce pension gaps.

Women’s retirement: how to reduce pension gaps with men?

A significant gap between men and women at the time of retirement

Today, we still observe a significant gap between men and women, particularly in terms of retirement pensions. On this subject, the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics carried out a study in 2020. Results of the study: 60% of women retired at full rate compared to 68% at men. Still within the framework of this study, we note that they contributed on average 8 quarters less than men, particularly the generation of 1950, reports The echoes.

The pension calculation mechanism

There retirement in France is calculated based on the number of quarters contributed by a worker. To have a full pension or a comfortable retirement, it is in fact necessary to have contributed a certain number of quarters during your professional career which varies depending on the year of birth. Note that a quarter is validated based on the income from which the tax was taken. contribution.

Maternity leave

Depending on their life course, different solutions are available to women to add additional quarters to their retirement pensions and therefore reduce the significant gap that exists with men. Leave periods maternity thus make it possible to validate quarters. Since 2014, a quarter is validated for each 90 day period of compensation. Furthermore, it is also possible for women to obtain an additional trimester for each child raised. In fact, they are entitled to four trimesters for maternity or adoption of each child and four additional quarters for education, which equates to eight quarters per child.

Parental leave

Women also have the opportunity to earn quarters for parental leave of education. To this end, they have the right to request four additional quarters. However, it is during the first four years of the child’s life or adoption that this leave must be taken. Likewise, an increase of up to eight semesters is possible when the child suffers from a disability. The CAF takes care of contributing to their retirement if they have reduced or stopped their activities in order to care for a disabled child.

Other solutions that allow women to gain trimesters

Sick leave and assistance for a disabled relative

During the periods of inactivity following sick leave or an accident for occupational diseaseit is possible for women to be compensated. In the event of compensation for sick leave, a quarter will be added to their career records every 60 days with a maximum of four quarters per year. Furthermore, if they assist a disabled relative since 2015 with a disability rate of at least 80%, they can obtain up to eight free quarters.

Buying back quarters and extending your professional career

For women who wish to leave at the legal retirement age, but who do not have enough quarters contributed, it is possible to buy back quarters. For civil servants, they can only buy back their years of study. Although it is simple to carry out, this operation is nevertheless expensive. Furthermore, it is imperative to have authorization from your pension fund to achieve it. To be sure of obtaining a full pension, the most reliable solution is to work longer. Indeed, women who have the opportunity to work longer can extend their retirement age to be able to benefit from a comfortable retirement.



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