Murder in Saint-Guyomard. Fifteen years of criminal imprisonment required against the accused

Murder in Saint-Guyomard. Fifteen years of criminal imprisonment required against the accused
Murder in Saint-Guyomard. Fifteen years of criminal imprisonment required against the accused

Head down, gaze towards the ground. This Tuesday, June 4, 2024, the accused remained motionless throughout the duration of the attorney general’s requisitions. Sylvain Darchy opened this third and final day of trial, in front of the Morbihan Assize Court, in Vannes. He requested fifteen years of criminal imprisonment, with ten years of socio-judicial monitoring and obligation of care against the 38-year-old Morbihannaise judged for the murder of her companion, in Saint-Guyomard, on July 5, 2020.


During his demonstration, he recalled that we “will never have the version of the facts” of the victim. He warned about “prejudices regarding domestic violence. We judge a person with a life history for an act, that of having caused death”. A gesture that she immediately recognized. But it’s good ” the context “ And “intentionality” which was at the heart of these three days of debate. “It is important for the qualification of the facts”.

The evolving nature of lyrics

The attorney general also returned to the profile of the victim. A man with multiple convictions, “big mouth, but never violent”. He also emphasized “the evolving nature of words” of the accused on the context of violence of that night of July 4 to 5, 2020. In particular on what her companion allegedly inflicted on her. “His medical certificate should not be given more importance than it has. There is no trace of the violence suffered in this certificate. Perhaps let’s not take everything that is said at face value. »

And to remind: “We have a deliberate blow, a blow delivered”. And “I am not convinced that the motive is fear”, he explained, disagreeing with the expertise of the psychiatrist and psychologist. Fear who would have motivated his action? “There is confusion between motive and intention. » The fact of having touched a vital area “demonstrates the intention to kill, even fleeting, even regretted the next moment. »



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