“This is London, not Londonistan.” Thousands of English people demonstrate to regain control of their country

“This is London, not Londonistan.” Thousands of English people demonstrate to regain control of their country
“This is London, not Londonistan.” Thousands of English people demonstrate to regain control of their country

Thousands of English people demonstrated in London this weekend to regain control of their country, in the presence of dissident Tommy Robinson, persecuted for many years by the authorities of his country, for opposing Islamization .

The demonstration left the Victoria Station area around 1 p.m., heading towards Parliament Square, where speeches will be made and a film shown. Laurence Fox was pictured alongside Tommy Robinson at the front of the protest, while the crowd behind them chanted “ we want our country back” (we want to find our country). The banner they marched behind read: “ This is London, not Londonistan.”

Tommy Robinson took the stage, where he was applauded and cheered by his supporters, He said: “ This is what London should look like. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight, and finally you win. Why do I feel like I’m winning?” he said, thanking the thousands of people who had come. “We will no longer be silenced.”

Other speeches were given by Reclaim leader Laurence Fox and political commentator Carl Benjamin.

Around 300 counter-protesters, organized by Stand Up To Racism, were set up on the other side of the cenotaph and separated from the crowd by a large police cordon.

Photo credit: DR (illustrative photo)
[cc] Breizh-info.com, 2024, dispatches free to copy and distribute subject to mention and link to the original Source



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