VIDEO – Jacques Séguéla married for 47 years to Sophie: “We never argued”

VIDEO – Jacques Séguéla married for 47 years to Sophie: “We never argued”
VIDEO – Jacques Séguéla married for 47 years to Sophie: “We never argued”

Aged 90, businessman Jacques Séguéla founded a major communications agency in the 1970s (RSCG, which successively became Eurocom and Havas-Advertising in 1996), in partnership with Bernard Roux. Now retired, the advertising genius is at the origin of numerous promotional campaigns. Guest on the set of What an era! (France 2) this June 1, he spoke of the love story he has been living since 1977 with Sophie Vinson, aged 65, the woman he married 47 years ago.

Today’s guest responded to presenter Léa Salamé, who asked her to say a few words about the woman who has been at her side for several decades: “What makes me most proud is not my thirty-five books on advertising. These are not my thousand campaigns or my collection of Awards. It’s my wife. We’ve been married for forty-seven years, we’ve never argued.”

⋙PHOTOS – Celebrity couples – For them, love has no age

His moving confidences about the woman of his life

Guest on the set of the Jordan De Luxe show in 2022, Jacques Séguéla confided in his wife. He explained: “Sophie came into my life. I saw her cross. I was 42, and I had completely missed my married life. I had a first marriage, I had married in the age of Christ, and it was an association. It wasn’t what I expected from marriage. We parted on very good terms.”

On the set of What an era!, Jacques Séguéla also recalled that advertising was the only activity that kept him away from the woman in his life. With humor, he first assured: “Every morning when I wake up, she says to me, ‘My darling, you are beautiful. I love you’. I rush in front of my mirror, I see my dirty, rickety octogenarian face, and I tell myself that my wife is in love, since love is blind,” before adding: “And I’m off to find my mistress. My mistress is advertising”.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

Photo credits: Screenshot France 2



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