2024 Legislative Elections. Violence against LR-RN candidate Nicolas Conquer: what we know

2024 Legislative Elections. Violence against LR-RN candidate Nicolas Conquer: what we know
2024 Legislative Elections. Violence against LR-RN candidate Nicolas Conquer: what we know


Julien Munoz

Published on

Jul 2, 2024 at 5:44 PM

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There, a tweet indicating that Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche) has become a “ cut throat ” in the ” hands of socialopes» (sic).

Here, a message that questions what will become of France if LFI “frees prisoners on July 14”.

A man believes that it is time that “Weapons speak in France, since war is here”when a woman assures that “Leftists are beating up kids”

On X (formerly Twitter), an impressive violence verbalepoured out through screens. The vast majority of the time, by people who are not from the territory. Some call it the right-spherewhen others prefer to name it “fachosphere”.

At the outset, there are facts, the seriousness of which will be assessed by the courts, but which in any case have no place at the heart of a democratic debate. And this is true regardless of the political ideas and values ​​conveyed.

Unanimous condemnations

During the evening of thisMonday 1is July 2024at the end of a leafleting session in the city centre of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, Nicolas Conquer, LR-RN candidate, and a few activists were attacked on the Place du Théâtre. It was a little after 7pm, it was half-time of France-Belgium on television.

We were ready to leave, everything had gone very well up until then. Then a horde of people came towards us, for no reason, to attack us physically. There were projectiles thrown and insults.

Nicolas Conquer

Two eggs were thrown at the candidate, hitting him in the arm and head. Invectives were also hurled.

“I hope my opponents will condemn these facts”Nicolas Conquer fumed, pointing the finger at what he calls the extreme left.

Facts unanimously condemned by local politicians, from left to right, from Anna Pic to Camille Margueritte, from Benoît Arrivé to David Margueritte.

The support of Eric Ciotti and Marion Maréchal

On Monday evening, the prefect of Manche had a telephone conversation with the candidate.

The latter received the support of Eric Ciotti, the president of the Republicans who invested him in the Channel.

The State must maintain order and allow free democratic exercise. These offenders must be punished severely!

Eric Ciotti, President of the Republicans

The left accused… wrongly

An argument shared with Nicolas Conquer and his supporters, undermined in light of the facts, according to the police.

The young man arrested is in no way linked to a left-wing political organisation or an ultra-left movement. The facts are not linked to a political claim. We are here on a somewhat schoolboy joke.

Laurent Damarin, police commissioner in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

According to police sources, some young people were at the bar with friends and saw a crowd around a candidate who was handing out leaflets. They allegedly went to buy eggs to throw at him.

A version confirmed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the afternoon.

It appears that the accused, who was taken into custody after the events, had taken advantage of half-time in the football match he was watching to buy a box of 10 eggs. A second individual present is currently being questioned as the accused. Individuals unknown and without any known affiliation. It is specified that photographs were apparently taken shortly before or shortly after the events between the main perpetrator and the candidate.

Pierre-Yves Marot, Public Prosecutor of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin

The two accused are being prosecuted for group violence without temporary incapacity for work.

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