World Bicycle Day this Monday: lots of activities and information

World Bicycle Day this Monday: lots of activities and information
World Bicycle Day this Monday: lots of activities and information

Ready to get around by bike on June 3? On the occasion of World Bicycle Day, the CFL,,, The Happy Cyclist and the Luxembourg Cycling Sport Federation are organizing an event at the Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg stop.

Cycling has increased significantly

“The bicycle offers many advantages,” recall the CFL in a press release. it makes mobility more fluid, reduces carbon emissions from individual travel and improves mental and physical health. In recent years, its use has increased significantly.

On June 3, various activities and information on cycling will be offered from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Happy Cyclist will notably hold a “repair café” where visitors can receive essential advice on repairing and maintaining their bike. Several sessions of 45 to 60 minutes will take place, without prior registration. will offer guided e-bike tours for one hour (10 participants per session, without prior registration). Electric bikes will be available free of charge on site. Tours will depart at 12 p.m., 12:45 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Use the 75 bikeboxes for free

The FSCL will organize a “Juice bike” event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.: by operating the pedals of a bicycle, visitors will be able to prepare fresh fruit juice., the country’s largest cycling association, will provide information on the Luxembourg cycling scene, and will allow visitors to meet other cycling enthusiasts, both for daily travel and for leisure.

The CFL, initiators of the event, will inform visitors of their actions in favor of cycling. It will be possible to register for free to use the 75 bikeboxes (secure bicycle parking lots) located across the country.

In 2023, the CFL launched a strategy in favor of cycling and its combination with other public mobility services, in particular the train. Developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works and in consultation with customers and relevant administrations, the CFL “bicycle strategy” responds to the evolving needs of cyclists in terms of services, thus encouraging active mobility and increasing mobility. share of environmentally friendly travel.

An increase in bicycle spaces on trains

Among the planned actions are the upgrade of railway infrastructure and the increase of places for bicycles on board trains, notably in the new Coradia Stream High Capacity railcars, where the number of places for bicycles will increase from 12 to 24 in single unit and from 24 to 32 in multiple units during the high cycling season (May to September).

Since December 4, 2023, the CFL have been responsible for managing the national network of secure bicycle parking lots, formerly called mBox and now renamed “bikebox”. This change of name, accompanied by a new design, allows the CFL to capitalize on their experience in the management of these infrastructures, mainly located around stations and railway stops.

Ultimately, these secure bicycle parking lots will be bases for offering additional services. The 75 bikeboxes, accessible free of charge 24 hours a day, offer a total of more than 2,000 bicycle parking spaces.



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