sentences of up to 30 years of criminal imprisonment

sentences of up to 30 years of criminal imprisonment
sentences of up to 30 years of criminal imprisonment

After several weeks full of twists and turns, the verdict in the trial of the murder of Jean-Luc Codaccioni and Tony Quilichini at Bastia-Poretta airport has been delivered.

For murder by an organized gang, Christophe Guazzelli was sentenced to 30 years in prison, two thirds of which was a security sentence. Richard Guazzelli was sentenced to 25 years in prison, 16 of which was a security sentence. The same sentence was given to Christophe Andreani and Abdel-Hafid Bekouche, with 13 and 15 years of security respectively. Cathy Chatelain, the prison guard involved in this double murder, was sentenced to 23 years in prison.

For complicity, Ange-Marie Michelosi was sentenced to 25 years in prison, including 15 years of security, while Jaouad Sebbouba was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

For criminal conspiracy, Jacques Mariani and Riad Belgacem, the latter being on the run, received ten years in prison, while Jimmy Bailleul received 9 years in prison. For those appearing free, Gaelle Sker and Chloé Castellana, companions of the Guazzelli brothers at the time of the events, were sentenced to five years in prison, including two prison terms without a warrant of committal to the bar. Dominique Sénéchal, Cathy Sénéchal’s ex-husband, was sentenced to three years in prison, including two years, and will not return to prison, having served almost his entire sentence in pre-trial detention.

François Marchioni and Joseph Menconi, against whom 15 years and 6 years in prison had been requested, were acquitted.

An appeal trial will take place, since Jacques Mariani’s lawyer has already announced that he will appeal his conviction. The other convicted persons have ten days to do the same, if they wish.



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