Gas prices, “My psychological support”, simplified medical procedures… What changes on June 1, 2024

Gas prices, “My psychological support”, simplified medical procedures… What changes on June 1, 2024
Gas prices, “My psychological support”, simplified medical procedures… What changes on June 1, 2024

Increase in the price of gas, “My psychological support” which is evolving, the Pass’Sport renewed until December 31, 2024… These are some of the things which are evolving on June 1, 2024. Medical procedures can be carried out by pharmacists and opticians to free up time for doctors. Europe 1 takes stock of all the changes.

Like every 1st of the month, there will be changes in the lives of the French. Price increases will be applied as on the price of gas, aid will also be deployed to guarantee access to sport or psychological care, more accessible medical procedures, compulsory addressing in all municipalities… Europe 1 does an update on everything that changes on June 1st.

The benchmark price of gas increases

For all daily gas consumers, the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) indicated in a press release that its price will experience an increase of 2 euros per MWh including tax, compared to last month. Which represents an increase of 2.3% in the average benchmark price excluding tax, it will therefore increase from 75.96 euros/MWh to 77.62 euros/MWh. The average benchmark price including tax will increase by 1.8%, from 111.19 euros/MWh to 113.19 euros/MWh. An increase which “is explained by a slight increase in wholesale market prices of natural gas, which had been falling since the end of 2023”, specifies the CRE in its press release.

Each home must have a precise address

The law on “differentiation, decentralization, deconcentration and simplification”, promulgated in February 2022, comes into force from June 1. This so-called “3DS” law imposes compulsory addressing in all municipalities. Those with less than 2,000 inhabitants which until now were not obliged to name all of their roads and streets must now comply with this law. In 2023, around 1.8 million French people did not have a precise address.

The “My psychological support” system is evolving

“My psychological support”, a psychological aid system, will undergo changes at the beginning of June. Intended for all people, from the age of three, experiencing mental suffering of mild to moderate intensity. My psychological support allowed eight covered annual sessions with a professional and reimbursement of the sessions in the amount of 30 euros. From now on, 12 covered annual sessions will be offered, with reimbursement increasing to 50 euros. Furthermore, it will no longer be necessary to consult a doctor before going to see a psychologist.

Simplified medical procedures

The government also announced that a number of medical procedures will be simplified to free up doctors’ time. These are everyday medical procedures that can be carried out by pharmacists, who will be able to issue antibiotic prescriptions for the treatment of tonsillitis or cystitis. Opticians will also be able to adjust the glasses’ correction themselves if it does not correspond at the time of the test.

The “Pass’Sport” renewed

People who hold the Pass’Sport will be able to use it from June 1st. This pass, deployed by the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, is aid of 50 euros per child which makes it possible to finance registration in “more than 84,000 partner clubs and sports halls”, from June 1 until by December 31, 2024, announces the government website. Beneficiaries must have received a code from the ministry by email, allowing them to access this pass.

Are concerned: people born between September 16, 2006 and December 31, 2018 and beneficiaries of the back-to-school allowance; born between June 1, 2004 and December 31, 2018 and beneficiaries of the education allowance for disabled children; born between September 16, 1993 and December 31, 2008 and beneficiaries of the allowance for disabled adults; students up to 28 years old who will benefit from a means-tested scholarship on October 15, 2024. This represents nearly 6.5 million young people throughout France.

An observation course for second year students

From June 17 to 28, “an observation course in a company, administration or association” is set up by the government for all “secondary general and technological students”. A system which should allow each high school student “to deepen their knowledge of careers and to receive support in preparing their career choices”.



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