a showcase of the art of living in Provence

Organized by the CCI du Pays d’, “Li Rescountre d’Aqui” celebrated their 4th edition this Monday, October 14.

“Li Rescountre d’Aqui” progresses with each edition. The number of exhibitors increased from 20 to 35 and visitors, only professionals, from 40 to 150 in a single day. “Tourists no longer just want to enjoy the sun, set foot in the water or visit monuments, they want to live an experience, that of the territory“, assures Stéphane Paglia, president of the CCI of Pays d’Arles. So this show is above all a meeting between tourism professionals (tourist offices, hoteliers, restaurateurs, etc.) and producers, winegrowers, artisans, brewers, etc. all local. And this with the aim of promoting the art of living, the culinary art of Provence and the know-how of its actors.

The president of the CCI of Pays d’Arles and the partners of “Li Rescountre d’Aqui”. • S.Ma

Among the 35 exhibitors, Raphaël Graugnard, ex- oenologist, co-creator with his wife Agnès, of the Alpilles artisanal brewery. This is his third participation, “It’s a good way to get seen by professionals.“But beyond making contacts, the brewer based in Eygalières is satisfied with”the quality of these meetings which quite frequently result in orders“, notably by restaurateurs. After this show, the Graugnards will soon launch themselves into the race for Christmas markets, another business, another audience.

Raphaël Graugnard from the Alpilles craft brewery. • S.Ma

Sophie Sales, creator of the Écume artisanal soap factory in Saint-Martin-de-Crau, was making her first attempt. In addition to its six ranges of cold process soaps, Sophie presented a brand new product, a liquid soap made from local products, to be poured into 500ml bottles screen-printed with the name of the client establishment. A 5l cube will allow you to refill these bottles. “I was waiting to finish developing this product to participate in this show“, she explains. Sophie Sales already works with professionals, “it’s 50/50 with individuals.

Sophie Sales, creator of the Écume artisanal soap factory. • S.Ma



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