the price increasing on certain lines despite the Avantage card

the price increasing on certain lines despite the Avantage card
the price increasing on certain lines despite the Avantage card

The SNCF and its prices are an endless soap opera. New example, the capped price offered to Avantage card holders has been revised upwards on certain journeys, reveals Liberation . This reduction card, sold for €49 for one year, allows you to benefit from advantageous rates on booking tickets for TGV Inouï and Intercités journeys. The price offered depends on the length of the trip: €49 for trips of less than 1 hour 30 minutes, €69 for a journey between 1 hour 30 minutes and 3 hours, and €89 for those exceeding 3 hours.

“SNCF Voyageurs has had to adjust the capped prices on ten journeys out of the 4,000 existing journeys since the start of the year”confirms the company to West . The objective is to « reflect the reality of traveler travel times. […] All the necessary adjustments have been made (for part of the journeys in February, for the other in July) to take this method of calculation into account, there is no other planned. »

The - and Paris-Morlaix lines are particularly affected but the railway company has not really communicated on the subject with regular users who have found themselves paying €20 more overnight since July 2024. The Paris lines - and Paris- were affected by the same update in February 2024.

A case is reserved for peak periods according to the SNCF

« The modified ceilings for these destinations only concern the highest 2nd class price levelscontinues the railway company. The majority of travelers with the Advantage Card travel at a price lower than the capped price. These capped prices are only reached during peak periods. This in no way affects the very principle of the Avantage card, nor its purchase price, which remains unchanged.. » The update of the SNCF’s general conditions of sale also highlighted the right given to on-board staff to give another passenger a seat that remains vacant a quarter of an hour after departure.

In December 2024, SNCF chose to deploy an additional Ouigo Paris-Rennes every day and faster trains to and . The objective is to offer two million places available per year to by the end of 2025.



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