A fiery festival this weekend

A fiery festival this weekend
A fiery festival this weekend

the essential
The Maynats return to their neighborhoods, home in Pouzac for a festival in the spotlight, which will ignite the public of young and old.

With a preamble to Gerde on Wednesday evening which has already made people dream of “The Child and the Sortilèges”, and also the parents, because it must be said, the adults are delighted with these moments of sharing where we explore in all directions the best shows for young audiences. So as everyone wants to stay young… See you this weekend for great adventures and great trips, there will be circus, puppets, it will dance, it will swing, the actors, the musicians will all be there , coming from Occitanie or much further afield.

Shows for all ages

For the little ones, a gentle and poetic change of scenery guaranteed with the company’s Japanese puppets, the FRIIIX Club and “Kiboko”. La Cie l’envers du monde and its clown with “The romper” to love water and its soap bubbles. An “Inside Out” or a clownish game of hide and seek to music with La muse. Mines de Clowns will replace Barthélemy Mix.

There is no age limit to spend the first evening with the new Compost Circus in its “Public Bath” and immerse yourself in the daily routine of small habits, before a “Plouf et replouf”, of synclownized swimming because it’s Super super , like the Co. Hip hop obliges, “Who loves me follows me”, with Storyteller, to go to “12 rue de la joie”, where Mungo will show you his building and meet its inhabitants, and it will be in Cie (d’)Astrotapir, of “Jo and the salvation of the Krââvs” that you can go further. Logically, “La belle awakée” by Anne my sister Anne will take you in “Tandem” with La-haut, to “Treasure Island” where 9 Thermidor has objects and cello….All you will have left is to witness the lyrical acrobatics of Ginger Cie in his “Metaphysics of Basse cour” to cackle and applaud wildly.

Fun activities good for the planet

Lalilou Livre and Binaros invite you to read. Dare to cycle and experience gentle mobility, with the MAÏF, sort your waste using the SYMAT. Drink and snack, leaf through the books at the Recyclerie, play with the wooden games made in Maynats, take a ride on the Petal Carousel, listen to Amarante, dance Africa, go for a pony ride… all this in one weekend thanks to the Maynats.

Pouzac, Friday May 17, at 9 p.m., “Public bathtub”. Saturday May 18, from 2:30 p.m. and Sunday May 19, from 10:30 a.m. (ticket sales one hour before). Information on www.maynats.org


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