Taiwan ‘on alert’ after detecting Chinese aircraft carrier

Taiwan ‘on alert’ after detecting Chinese aircraft carrier
Taiwan ‘on alert’ after detecting Chinese aircraft carrier

A fighter jet takes off from the aircraft carrier Liaoning.Image: Keystone

The Taiwanese army is “on alert” on Sunday after detecting a Chinese aircraft carrier in the south of the island.

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“The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning has entered the waters near the Bashi Channel and is likely heading towards the Western Pacific,” Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The army remains “on alert, ready to react if necessary,” he said. Beijing has intensified its military and political pressure on Taiwan in recent years.

China has never renounced using military force to regain control of the islandwhich it considers as a part of its territory to be reunited one day.

It has organized three series of large-scale maneuvers over the past two years, involving its air force and navy to encircle the island, which is managed autonomously.

Beijing also sends warships and fighter planes to patrol the surrounding area almost daily.

Bad relationships

Relations between Beijing and Taipei have been terrible since 2016 and the arrival as Taiwanese president of Tsai Ing-wen, then of her successor Lai Ching-te this year.

“As it stands”

US Secretary of State Blinken warned China on Friday against any “provocation” against Taiwan.

Washington has recognized Beijing to the detriment of Taipei as a legitimate power since 1979, but remains Taiwan’s most powerful ally and its main arms supplier.

A senior American official interviewed on Wednesday estimated that China could use the Taiwanese celebrations on Thursday to justify the conduct of military exercises.

Twenty-seven Chinese military aircraft and nine Chinese naval vessels had been identified around the island in the space of 24 hours, from Wednesday to Thursday.

Disputes between Beijing and Taipei date back to the long and deadly civil war which pitted communist fighters led by Mao Tse-tung against the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek.

Defeated by the communists, who founded the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949, the nationalists of the Republic of China took refuge with many civilians in Taiwan, one of the only parts of the national territory then unconquered by the forces of Mao Tse-tung. (ats/vz)

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